Development of industrial enterprises by streamlining their staff

Received: October 20, 2016
Accepted: October 20, 2016
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article highlights the importance of modernization of enterprises in the conditions of  rapid scientific and technological progress and fierce competition in the domestic and foreign markets. It is shown that only entrepreneurs can effectively function that modernizes its material base, especially technological equipment. It impossible to apply the latest technology using the old and worn-out equipment.

Modernization of manufacturing is uniquely intended to the upgrading of  their fixed assets, which is an important prerequisite for the use of new technologies, development of which during production process enables to manufacture products with innovative content and high added value, ensuring its competitiveness in the domestic and foreign markets.

The solution to this extremely important task for Ukrainian industrial enterprises requires sufficient support them not only by technical means but also by the number of high professional level workers, which would be able effectively to use the technical advantages of the modernization of industrial enterprises. In this context, the task of radically improving the preparation of high-level specialists is established for professional and technical institutions in Ukraine. For solving these requirements before educational institutions it is necessary to upgrade their material and technical base, to pay attention to the quality of formation of the teaching specialists of the educational institutions, to involve practical experts from leading industrial manufactories who have already accomplished the modernization, high professional level workers.

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