Determination of the Optimal Drilling Mode Based on the Durability of the Drill Bit

: pp. 1 - 8
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Bydgoszcz University of Science and Technology
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The paper proposes one of the ways to set up an optimal mode of drilling oil and gas boreholes. The existing methods of control of the penetration rate and drill bit state were analysed. It was shown that due to incomplete and often distorted information it is difficult to perform control of the drilling process based on the mathematical model of the drill bit penetration, the solution of which is time dependencies of the penetration rate.

As while constructing the borehole, the net drilling time takes less than a half of the total time, and the rest of time is spent on auxiliary operations, the drilling speed per run was used for determining the optimal parameters of the drilling mode. Based on the analysis of the benefits and drawbacks of the methods of the drill bit state identification, it was decided to use the relative durability of the drill bit, which is invariant with respect to physico-mechanical properties of the rocks. The dependence of the drilling speed per run on the relative durability of the drill bit and other drilling parameters was derived. It was shown that such a transition makes it possible to unify the algorithm of assessing the optimal drilling speed per run, as it does not depend on the rock type and other factors. An example of calculating the maximum drilling speed per run ensuring the optimal durability of the drill bit for a selected drilling mode is presented.

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