The counteraction facilities for negative influence of informational propaganda

: pp.47-53
Received: September 15, 2015
Accepted: October 15, 2015

Iryna Malyk

Lviv Polytechnic National University

In this article, problems of emergance and influence of propaganda technologies as an important element in information wars are examined. Pecularities of informational weapon application and informational influence on a human were researched. For analysis of television influence, up-to-date ratings of popular Ukrainian and Russian TV channels were analyzed. Findings of Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) were used. KIIS carried out “Counteraction to the Russian propaganda in the onflict region” survey that was ordered by Public Society (“TV Critics”). Particular attention in this article is paid to the study of propaganda phenomenon – from roots and origin to its official founders and peculiarities of usage at the modern stage. Analysis of major propaganda technologies is carried out, and an attempt to work out the mechanisms of counteraction to informational influences is made. The article reviews a necessity of development of measures system directed towards the improvement of regulator base and prevention, neutralization of potential and real threats to national security in informational sphere. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, The Security Service of Ukraine, The State Service of Special Connection and Information Protection of Ukraine, The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine were involved in realization of developed measures. The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine enacted a decree on January 14, 2015, according to which the Ministry of Information Policy of Ukraine was formed and relevant regulations were approved. The main tasks of the Ministry are the following: counteracting to information aggression from Russia; development of strategy of the state information policy and conception of information security of Ukraine; coordination of governmental bodies in communication issues and information dissemination.

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