“The planck wall” as agnostic principle in fundamental scientific knowledge

: pp. 79-85
Received: March 03, 2016
Accepted: April 21, 2016

Andriy Kadykalo

Lviv Polytechnic National University

Modern fundamental science is in very unusual situation. From the first side it uses high technology (similar to Large Hadron Collider), but from the other side it has faced the range of obstacles. This problems probably don`t have any solution and, what is more important, it means existing of reality at the quantum level. In scientist’s world, it is accepted to think that problems of science have temporary nature. However, there are some problems which are not easy to solve on borderlines of classical science knowledge and traditional rationality. Philosophers and scientists like Galileo Galilei, Isaac Newton, Rene Descartes, Gottfried Leibniz had an idea about unlimited and continuous scientific knowledge. It is possible if we will follow true method. However, philosophy takes an alternative position which contradict an idea of unlimited scientific knowledge. This idea names agnosticism which arises in ancient philosophy. The notion of “agnosticism” has ancient Greek roots: α – not, without, and γνώσις – knowledge, understanding. It means that humans cannot know of the existence of anything beyond phenomena of their experience. David Hume told that meaningful statements about the universe are always qualified by some degree of doubt. He asserted that fallibility of human beings means that they cannot obtain absolute certainty except in trivial cases where a statement is true by definition. Thomas Henry Huxley continued Hume`s tradition of agnosticism. He wrote that his personality is the surest thing he knows which may be true. But the attempt to conceive what it is leads him into mere verbal subtleties. He has champed up all that chaff about the ego and the non-ego, noumena and phenomena, and all the rest of it, too often not to know that in attempting even to think of these questions, the human intellect flounders at once out of its depth. Nowadays a new kind of agnostically principle appears in the field of Quantum Physics and it is called “The Planck Wall”. Though its name suggests that this is a spatial phenomenon, it, actually, pertains to time. In science and philosophy this principle of “The Planck Wall” explains creating of a borderline of knowledge. Probably, this borderline is not possible to overcome.

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