Methods of increasing efficiency of commercial web projects management in conditions of uncertainty

: pp. 353 - 363

Алєксєєва К.А. Методи підвищення ефективності управління комерційними веб-проектами за умов невизначеності / Алєксєєва К.А. // Вісник Національного університету "Львівська політехніка". – 2015. – № ___ : Інформаційні системи та мережі. – С. ___–___. – Бібліографія: 11 назв.


Kateryna Alekseyeva

Social Communications and Information Activity Department, Lviv Polytechnic National University, S. Bandery Str., 12, Lviv, 79013, UKRAINE

The method of content management as its life cycle stage based on Fuzzy Logic is proposed. The method of content management describes the commercial web resources forming and automation technology that simplifies the content management. Ways and procedures of Project decision making in management of commercial web-projects under conditions of incomplete and inaccuracy of some are described in the paper. Principal factors of project decision making were analyzed, reasons and nature of project characteristics of incomplete and inaccuracy are defined. Procedures for reducing project characteristics of incomplete and inaccuracy levels based on fuzzy logic are developed. The proposed method gives an opportunity to create an instrument of web resources processing and to implement the subsystem of content management. Tasks of content management are: operational and retrospective database formation and rotation; the user experience personalization; personal user queries and sources storing; operation statistics analysis; search providing in database; initial forms generation on information resources; information interaction with other databases; Web resource formation and processing. Content management subsystem is implemented through its caching (generates a page once; then it is several times faster loaded from the cache, which is updated automatically after a certain period of time or when making changes to specific sections of an Web resource, or by administrator command) or information blocks formation (blocks conservation in the Web resources editing stage and page collection from these blocks at the user’s request).

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