Heterogeneous data processing in web-systems information resources

: pp. 23 - 32

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Andriy Berko, Kateryna Alieksieieva

  1. General ecology and ecoinformation systems department,
  2. Social communications and Information Activity Department, L’viv Polytechnic National University, S. Bandery Str., 12, Lviv, 79013, UKRAINE

In the paper the method of integrated processing of heterogeneous information resources web-systems is described. This method is based on the model of data description as a coherent combination of data values, rules of data representation, interpretation rules and data structure. The method involves decomposition of general process into subprocesses of data values integration, data syntax integration, semantics and structure integration. The advantage of this approach is that the integration process can be performed at data metascheme level. It allows to reduce the number of access operation to very large data sets of web-systems.

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