Social networks as one of the most effective means of counteraction information aggression in the ukrainian internet space

: pp. 135-142
Lviv Polytechnic National University

In the article is noted specificity of the Russian social network VKontakte with the informational aggression by the Russian Federation in relation to Ukraine. Analyzed the activity of famous Ukrainian communities in the social networks that are struggling with information attack of Russia. The analysis concerns patterns and trends of work VKontakte during submitting news about events in Ukraine, which cause resonance from the Russian side. Main objective is to analyze the efficiency of the Ukrainian community in the social network VKontakte during covering events in the ATO area and compare them with the work of Russian communities in the social network. To achieve the objectives of the research, we used the following methods: 1) a systematic approach – its essence in consider the interrelated elements of the system that develops in sequence and form a coherent whole; 2) systems analysis – for quantitative and qualitative analysis of information aggression problems in Ukraine; 3) information method – for systematization of information and scientific analysis, presentation and synthesis of new indicators. The problem of our study lies in the fact that today not all media workers realized the impact and power of social networks. Therefore, not every edition actively lead the community in social networks. It is therefore necessary to conduct master classes, training to combat aggression information through social networks. Based on the analysis of the content of events in Ukraine in the Russian communities of the VKontakte network, the following methods of propaganda were identified: hanging labels, creating a person's cult, appealing to authority, demonizing an enemy. In addition, during review of special literature, was discovered that, in the course of the active deployment of Russia's information war against Ukraine, majority studies, which were dedicated to examining the impact of social networks on the spread of propaganda is insignificant, so in the modern science there is an urgent need to replenish the arsenal with such research, because it will help and teach, how to respond to the information attacks of the aggressor, morally and legally competent, using all the components of the modern information society, in particular, social networks.

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