Lviv Polytechnic National University

Analyzed ukrainian student internet publications, described the features and structure of online periodicals, which affects on its functioning. Many diverse information about student life can be on student websites. Nowadays every higher education institution creates its own information site. Exploring students' online portals, you can see certain features, but the majority of student Internet publications in Ukraine in no way unrelated with sites of higher educational institution or university.

The press on the Internet continues to evolve rapidly, which, of course, also affects the processes in the development of student periodicals. Many publications have been created in recent years, but they do not use all the features that the network provides. Also, many of them do not function for long, maybe this is due to the students' uninteresting due to unsuccessful content. Students' online periodicals will grow more intensively when their publishers publish publications in time.

Student Internet publications use the same structure as on information sites. If the authors of the site for students are students, the structure is not always convenient for users: the page may be too much material, or conversely the headings with publications are hidden. The disadvantages of some sites is low multimedia and interactivity. Although such editions help students in learning and provide more opportunities than printed ones. They are practically no different from others, but there are some subunits and information that are not used on other sites - an electronic library for students, useful for learning links.

1. Berdyshev S. N. Iskusstvo oformlennya saytu. Praktychne posobye / S. N. Berdyshev. – M. : Dashkov y Ko, 2010. – S. 148.

2. Velykyy tlumachnyy slovnyk suchasnoyi ukrayins’koyi movy / Ker. vyd. proekt P. M. Movchan, V. V. Nimchuk, V. Y. Klichak. – K. : Vydavnytstvo «Dnipro», 2009. – S. 563.

3. Hrozdanov F. T. Yazyk molodezhnykh Ynternet-hazet: dys. ... kand. filol. nauk: 10.01.10 / F. T. Hrozdanov. – M., 2007. – 155 s.

4. Zenkyna O. N. Pro stan moskovs’kykh student·s’kykh internet-por­taliv [Tekst] // O. N. Zenkyna; Pedahohichna informatyka. – 2008. – No. 3. – S. 70–82.

5. Zyat’kova O. V. Kommunikatyvno-funktsional’ni oznaky nimets’koho elektronnoho molodizhnoho zhurnalu [Elektronnyy resurs] // O. V. Zyat’kova; Yzv. TulHU. Humanytar. nauka. – 2008. – No. 2. – S. 205–212. Rezhym dostupy: http: // -molodezhnogo-zhurnala ... (15.10.2013).

6. Kozlova O. A. Setevi SMY: vchora i s’ohodni (ohlyad lyteratury po Internet-zhurnalistytsi) // O. A. Kozlova. – Vestnyk VolHU, 2011. – Seriya 8., Vyp. 10. – S. 151–156.

7. Kolesnykova M. M. Periodychni vydannya elektronnykh merezh yak vyd ZMI: typolohichnyy aspekt: dys. ... kand. filol. nauk: 10.01.10 / M. M. Kolesnykova. – Rostov n/D, 2002. – 183 s.

8. Kolisnyk O. M. Struktura internet-hazety: kvintesentni osoblyvosti // Derzhava ta rehiony. – Zaporizhzhya, 2011. – No. 1. – S. 63–66. – Seriya: Sotsial’ni komunikatsiyi.

9. Mudra I. M. Oformlennya hazety yak zasib mediamarketynhu // I. M. Mudra; Svit sotsial’nykh komunikatsiy: nauk. zhurn. – K. : KyMU, DonNU, KPU, 2013. – T. 9. – S. 128–131.

10. Potyatynnyk B. V. Internet-zhurnalistyka: navch. posib. [Tekst] /
B. V. Potyatynnyk. – Lviv: PAIS, 2010. – 246 s.

11. Safarova A. H. Sotsiokul’turna dynamika yakisnoyi hazetnoyi presy Velykobrytaniyi ta SSHA naprykintsi KHKH – pochatku KHKHI stolittya: dys. ... kand. filol nauk / A. H. Safarova. – M. : Yzd-vo MHU, 2004. – S. 79–80.

12. Slovnyk zhurnalista: Terminy, mas-media, postati / Za zah. red. YU. M. Bidzili. – Uzhhorod: Zakarpattya, 2007. – S. 79.

13. Stepanov A. A. Perspektyvy rozvytku student·s’kykh merezhevykh vydan’ u epokhu veb 2.0. Yuzabiliti-pidkhid // A. A. Stepanov; Medyaobrazovanye: ot teoryy - k praktyke: sb. materialy II Vseross. nauch.-prakt. konf «Medyaobrazovanye v rozvytku nauky, kul’tury, osvity ta zasobiv masovoyi komunikatsiyi». – Tomsk, 2008. – S. 210–215.

14. Ulanova M. A. Internet-zhurnal. Typolohiya, pryntsypy stvorennya, metodyky redahuvannya: dys. ... kand. filol. Nauk: 05.25.03 / M.A. Ulanova. – M., 2005. – 239 s.

15. Shevchenko V. E. Arkhitektonika suchasnoho ukrayins’koho hazetnoho vydannya (systemna orhanizatsiya ta zakony rozpodilu elementiv) : avtoref. ... dys. kand. filol. nauk: 10.01.08 / V. E. Shevchenko. – K., 2002.