Features of Information Coverage in the Materials of Internet-Media

: 96-101
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The issue of the coverage of journalistic materials in online-publications is very important and relevant today. It cannot be said that modern journalists are not trying to control the writing of their articles at all. There are many professional journalists who really put their soul into the work, considering the ethical standards and writing by modern methods of writing and preparing materials, according to the type of specific of the media. However, in order to improve the work of journalists, modern journalism needs to learn the exact knowledge and application of ways to monitor the content of various types of media.

Important skills that a modern journalist should possess are, first and foremost, literary ability, language and style of the author, the ability to express their thoughts and reveal the position of another, the ability to accurately and vividly tell about the event, to convey the fact, evaluate and explain it. His professional competence is also determined by the level of social responsibility to society and the audience, the sense of social justice and the level of his objectivity. It is important that the information which is provided — is true, so that the virtual reality picture adequately reflects the reality.

The purpose of this article is to explore contemporary ways and methods of presenting articles and journalistic materials, depending on the type of media in which journalists submit their material.

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