Media and Inter-Confessional Conflicts: the Problem, Concepts and Visions

: 11-17
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article analyzes the topic of interfaith conflicts in the media. Attention is paid to the relevance of the research, which is caused by the processes of church and religious life of the state. Another reason for the urgency is due to the internal political processes in Ukraine. These processes are shaped by certain socio-political shifts (electoral processes, revolutions, etc.), as well as Russia’s geopolitical influence on the state through the Church. Actually, these aspects of the problem can be distinguished from journalistic materials. They are also the basis of visions.

Recent research on social communications has only partially revealed the problem of interfaith conflicts.

Research methods such as content analysis, synthesis and generalization, as well as axiological and social communication approaches have helped to uncover the topic.

Recent research on social communications has only partially revealed the problem of interfaith conflicts.

A review of the media showed a tendency to change the focus on inter-denominational conflicts due to the real effects of obtaining a volume on the autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church. If by 2019 the media had considered conflicts between the UOC MP−UOC KPC, then soon the main lines of journalistic materials were the UOC MP−PCU, the UOC KP−PCU.

Analysis of the media texts also revealed that the conflicts related to the UGCC and other religious groups were not adequately covered.

The problem of mass media coverage of interdenominational conflicts − the uneven frequency of the appearance of materials in regional and Ukrainian Internet editions was singled out.

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