Directions and possibilities of small enterprises’ profitability growth in the field of domestic store sales of building materials


Kulinich T., Mnykh Y.

Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article investigates the ways of profitability growth of small enterprises, specialized in store sales of building materials. Among possible options, there are highlighted those, that can provide higher income and development for analyzed type of enterprises and also maintain their competitiveness in the market. In this article are formed list of measures, that will improve profitability of members of the building materials market, especially of small enterprises of store sales. The main attention is dedicated to the questions of marketing and distribution stimulation of those enterprises, which are considered as a fundamental condition of their profits increasing. There are also analyzed alternative options of strategic solutions for this sphere, their advantages and disadvantages. The most effective methods and strategies of profitability growth for small enterprises of this type are identified. The lasts are systematized and combined into a single mechanism of consistent decisions.

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