Integrated evaluation of national industrial potential


Stanasyuk N.

Lviv Polytechnic National University

An industrial potential was defined as a result of interrelation of the following constituents: social and labor, industrial and economic, finance and investment, and innovative potentials. On the basis of studying of contemporary scientific works, indices of industrial potential evaluation are generalized and their classification is accomplished. Statistical factors, which characterize the development of industrial potential, can be divided into two groups: the first group is made up of indices, that represent the conditions necessary for industrial potential development (indices of resources of different types); the second group includes indices that testify the level of industrial potential development (indices of effectiveness and efficiency of the resources utilization). Such division became fundamental for distinguishing basic and realized industrial potential as well as generating input and output indicators of its development. The system of indices of national industrial potential evaluation in view of its main constituents was defined by processing the existing infobase. It was offered to conduct integral evaluation to determine the level of industrial potential development on the basis of standardization indices which represent the progress of its main constituents.

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