Ukrainian enterprises internationalization: regulatory support and institutional regulation


Ilchuk P., Kots О.

Lviv Polytechnic National University

In a globalized economy and increasing linkages between national economies around the world, understanding of internationalization is the key to effective doing business in foreign markets. Theoretical researches of internationalization by Ukrainian scientists are at an early stage. Today remain the unexplored question of regulatory framework and institutional regulation of enterprises internationalization. The economic studies are not detected systematization of legislation Ukrainian enterprises nternationalization. In foreign sources of these issues are not covered at all. The main purpose of this study is definition and systematization of regulatory support of Ukraine enterprises internationalization. A special task is research of institutional regulation of Ukrainian enterprises internationalization that provides building a promoting system their internationalization in the future. The theoretical bases of this article are researches of Ukrainian scientists in issues of internationalization and Ukraine legislation. In the article the regulatory support and institutional regulation of Ukrainian enterprises internationalization were investigated. The review and the characteristics of existing and developed (but not accepted) regulations acts were completed. These acts regulate Ukrainian enterprise activities on foreign markets. Characteristics of institutions at the state level promote the internationalization enterprises has been executed. Also, has been singled out their goals and objectives in this segment of activity.

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