Experience of accounting and analytical maintenance of “maslosoyuzom” in the first half of the twentieth century


Shvets V.E.

Reveals the importance of historical research establishment and development of
accounting and analytical support for the system analysis of the current practices and current
research in the subject field of economics. Deals with the historical experience of accounting
and analytical maintenance of “Maslocoyuzom” which was a leader in the processing of milk
at Western in the first half of the twentieth century, including the structure and content of the
accounting and analytical information to support the appropriate management decisions in
this field of business activity.
The analysis purely your block these companies, including the list of the structure and content
of accounts, summarizing the findings of their compliance management needs. The results of the
structural analysis of the structure and content in the context of reports on the business of unions and
concluded their validity for the purposes ofmanagement in contemporary conditions.
Reasoned opinion on the feasibility of using scientific approaches studied in the
formation of interdisciplinary information for practical and organizational and regulatory
support needs of modern theoretical and methodological development for adequacy forming
the basic principles of accounting and analytical sciences.