Features of economic evaluation machine-building enterprise in their development


Trevogo O.I.

The aim of the research is to develop the basic economic evaluation concepts of machine-
building enterprises in their development, which is formulated to achieve three objectives: to
examine existing approaches to economic evaluation of the various machine-building
enterprises components; to identify key groups of indicators for each of the assessment; to
compose the selection process of individual indicators and mechanism of structure changes in
the enterprise development.
Past studies have shown that the existing systems of machine building enterprises
economic evaluation mainly focused on the analysis of business results and financial
performance. Thus there are many evaluation systems of machine-building companies’
innovative development, their organizational settings and market environment, which,
however, do not meet the comprehensive evaluation of some discrete levels of business and did
not allow a rapid response to sudden changes in the environment or the needs of incremental
adaptation strategy development enterprises to these changes.
Balanced Scorecard Kaplan R. and D. Norton system and tableau de bord, which is used
in France solve the adaptation problem of evaluation indicators in developing machine
building enterprises. However, these systems provide opportunities to integrate quantitative
and qualitative indicators to evaluate in different directions and implement cascade control at
different management levels; they do not sufficiently reflect the organizational and social
aspects of machine building enterprises under uncertainty environment.
The studies were reviewed and modified balanced scorecard by Meysela L., Niven P., K.
Radchenko, which aimed to shift the focus on the priority of human factors by innovative
management. However, these approaches do not provide the necessary level of flexibility in
selecting indicators assessment at different stages of development machine building enterprisesand do not give answers to questions of priority and composition of these indicators specific to
the industry.
Given the characteristics of the machine-building enterprises and professional research
formed the general concept of economic evaluation that integrates economic, organizational
and innovative directions of the enterprise development, integrating the positive aspects of the
described approaches to evaluation and provides a stable effect at each stage of the entity
The concept involves the choice of basic indicators at the stage of diagnosis the
enterprise current status, and when the development strategies are built – the calculation of
projected values. After activities implementation the actual values of basic indicators are
calculated and compared with their projections, and the result of this comparison allows you
to select a group of functional indicators. After making arrangements, the calculation results
give a real detailed economic evaluation of new actual state and the effectiveness of the
enterprise within the described cycle.
At the beginning of the next cycle of the machine-building enterprise basic indicators set
has to be adjusted according to the number and composition based on how profoundly the
proposed functional performance trends have changed the initial structure evaluation of the
research object. This approach is justified by the stability conditions of most business
processes, but is limited in use. In this case it is no longer on the evaluation process of building
enterprise but effectively to create a new business model.