Internal control of period costs of enterprise


Boychuk T.M.

Internal control takes important place in enterprise costs management system plays. Due to
the application of its principles and methods inappropriate and excessive costs can be detected and
prevented. The value of internal control can’t be overstated, the most urgent this issue is for large
enterprises management system, where a variety of costs requires a specific approach to their
control. Also, the same important value has internal control organization for shareholders and
investors. In this case the control can be regarded as a voucher of effective enterprise management.
At the same time, insufficient attention is paid to internal cost control in practice. The main
reason is the lack of workers knowledge and inability to apply the method of internal control
implementation. Another problem with the organization of effective control organization is an
absence of scientific approach to control organization depending on the type of expenditure. Its
worth to notice, that the type of costs (production costs, auxiliary department costs, administrative,
marketing etc) requires the organization of internal control directly to their nature, structure and
behavior. Many concepts of internal control are offered currently concerning production costs, but
there isn’t a big amount about period costs, which are not included to the production cost, but
directly affect the financial results formation. The structure of period costs during operational
activity includes administrative, marketing and other operating costs.
Purpose of research. To discover the essence of internal control according to the integrated
approach, to define its aim, tasks, objects and subjects according to the systematic approach, and to
disclose organizational aspects of internal control on enterprise’s period cost example.
Object of research is an costs’ internal control system, which are directly unrelated to
the production process: administrative, marketing and other enterprise’s operating costs. The
subject of research is theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of costs’ internal control.