Innovative Development and Human Capital of Ukraine: Trends, Problems and Prospects

: pp. 133 - 144
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The article is devoted to the study of the current state of scientific, technical and innovative activities in Ukraine based on the analysis of international rankings and domestic information sources, identifies the main problems that influence the innovative development of Ukraine and human capital, the developed methodical approaches to forecasting of evolution of personnel potential of domestic science for the next decades are analyzed.. According to the results of the study it was found that in Ukraine there are negative trends in science, caused by significant reductions in funding, falling prestige of scientific work in society, significant emigration of promising highly qualified scientists due to lack of incentives, physical and moral deterioration of scientific and technical base, lack of strategy for innovative development, support and understanding by the government, imperfection of regulations.

In today’s conditions of dynamic development of information technologies and digital economy, innovation and science are the key to building a competitive economy and ensuring sustainable development. It is the rapid development of innovation that determines the structure of the economy, causes the emergence of new industries, their automation, including through the development and use of “artificial intelligence”. That is why the problem of studying the innovative development and human capital of the country is extremely important and relevant. On tha base of the assessment of the consolidated index of innovations, we can conclude that Ukraine belongs to the group of “emerging innovators”. According to the study, we find a deterioration in the value of the index compared to neighboring countries. At the same time, it should be noted that the average value of the consolidated innovation index of the EU was almost three times higher than in Ukraine.

Therefore, on the basis of the conducted research it is possible to draw a conclusion that it is urgent to provide carrying out of extraordinary actions of support of a science for the purpose of maintenance of its revival, instead of survival. This means the development and implementation of a strategy for innovative development, improvement of the existing regulatory framework, the introduction of financial and tax-credit instruments for financing the scientific sphere.

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