Problems and Prospects of Application of Corporate Technologies of Enterprise Management in the Conditions of European Integration

: pp. 25 - 34
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The purpose of the article is to systematize the features of application of corporate technologies of enterprise management under the conditions of euro integration.

The problems of formation and application of automated information technologies in enterprise management systems are analyzed. Its features in the conditions of European integration are revealed.

The features of application of corporate technologies of management of the enterprises under conditions of euro integration are characterized in the work. As a result of the analysis, the stages of formation and development of automated information systems of enterprise management were systematized.

The historical stages of formation and development of automated information management systems of enterprises are detailed and described

The article describes the characteristics and methods of application of automated information systems for managing the operational activity of enterprises by management levels. Features of introduction of corporate information systems by Ukrainian enterprises under conditions of European integration.

The development of the information industry, automated information systems (including corporate ones) are the basis (base) and result of the formation of an information type economy in Ukraine. The implementation of these systems contributes to the expansion of methods / methods for collecting, processing and using operational information, as well as enhancing the level of information potential of modern enterprises.

The most difficult task of using corporate management systems is the need to form a single integrated system that will seamlessly serve all requests of employees of various departments of the enterprise (financial, human resources, sales, supply, etc.).

The integrated approach will provide a high level of return in the future, especially if it is installed correctly, used.

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