Researches of Efficiency of Subcannels of Wireless Networks Based on LTE / LTE-Advanced Technologies in Case of Use of Different Kinds of Signal Modulation

Received: May 15, 2015
Accepted: September 16, 2015

I.V. Gorbatyy

Lviv Polytechnic National University

It carried out the theoretical researches of bit error probability and efficiency of subchannels of wireless networks based on LTE / LTE-Advanced technologies in case of use of quadrature phase manipulation (QPSK), М-ary quadrature amplitude modulation (M-QAM) and offer М-ary amplitude modulation of many components (M-AMMC). The theoretical researches of bit error probability executed in case of use of offer correlation. As a result of theoretical researches it exposed the adequacy of offer correlation and possibility of his application for the calculation of bit error probability in case of use the varieties of signal modulation QPSK, M-QAM, and М-AMMC in subchannels of telecommunication wireless networks based on LTE / LTE-Advanced technologies. As a result of researches it sets, that in case of attitude of average energy of one data bit toward the spectral power density of white noise  13,4 dB the bit error probability in subchannels in case of use of 8-AMMC will more the little in 27 time by comparison to the use of 8-QАМ at the identical maximal power and informing of modulated signal.
Also the efficiency of such networks in case of use of lead varieties of signal modulation was explored. As a result of researches it sets, that informative efficiency of subchannels of wireless networks based on LTE / LTE-Advanced technologies in case of use of 8-AMMC with shift the amplitude levels of modulating signals higher from using 8-QАМ on 6,1% and from QPSK – on 20%, that is why offered AMMC expediently to use in the modern wireless networks in case of data transmission for the rise of their efficiency.
So as a result of researches it sets, that an offer modulation M-AMMC is perspective for application in networks based on LTE / LTE-Advancedtechnologies with the purpose of reduction of bit error probability in case of data transmission and rise of network efficiency by comparison to the use of QPSK and M-QAM.