Expansion of Functional Capabilities of Television Scanning Optical Microscope in the Study of Microobjects

: pp. 91 - 98
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The problems relating to research options for various types of microobjects using the television scanning optical microscope that works in the respective modes. This can be either microobjects single and stay in a group of several individual microobjects. The following principles and structural scheme of construction of the microscope, providing high accuracy and minimal distortion in the measurements.

Today in various fields of science and technology is needed research of microobjects (MO), whose dimensions are within 0,2–100 microns. For research of such MO the optical microscopes are used. This microscope makes it possible to distinguish structures with the distance between elements of 0,20 microns.

In the arsenal of optical microscopy is a wide range of devices, using the same principle of operation (using lenses create enlarged image of MO), different individual characteristics that make it possible to obtain more information about MO or circumvent difficulties imposed by the conditions of the study. Thus, the most common biological job microscopes, research biological microscopes, inverted biological microscopes. For a better understanding of processes in cells and in quantitative vivo studies used fluorescent microscopes. Ultraviolet and infrared microscopes, polarizing, phase-contrast, interference, microscopes of the dark field, stereoscopic microscopes, comparison microscopes, television microscopes, high-temperature and many others − they differ primarily features of optical channel.

In general, today known following types of microscopes used to study objects of small size: acoustic; nuclear power; binocular; video (chamber); measurement; reflective; antireflection electronic with photoresponse; laser; metallographic; microsurgical; optical; comparative; X-ray; scanning (raster) optical; scanning confocal; scanning electronic; scanning tunneling; stroboscopic; fluorescent etc. Under television optical microscope mean the microscope, which in addition to optical elements are used those or other products (and related methods) that are specific to television.

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