
Rheological properties of melts and x-ray method of study of cross-linked polyethylene

In the paper, the X-ray study of cross-linked polyethylene with isopropenyl styrene or acrylonitrile was carried out. It is shown that cross-linking leads to a significant decrease in the area of the exothermic peak, an increase in the resistance of the structured system to thermal oxidation. These data confirm that the increase in resistance to thermal aging of polyethylene cross-linked with acrylonitrile or isopropenyl styrene fraction.

Modification of the Impregnating Pitch by Phenolic Fraction of Coal Tar

The paper presents the investigation results of the organic mass modification of the impregnating pitch of coal tar with low pyrolysis degree. The processes that form the pitch operational properties in the impregnation technology of graphitized electrodes were studied. Specific features of the modifying additive effect on the quality characteristics of the pitch and its group composition were established. Such technological approach makes it possible to intensify the impregnation process of blanks for graphitized electrodes.

The Role of Polyvinylpyrrolidone in the Formation of Nanocomposites Based on a Compatible Polycaproamide and Polypropylene

The interrelation of physico-mechanical and technological characteristics of newly created nanocomposites on the basis of polypropylene (PP)/polyamide (PA-6) mixture with PVP-modified montmorillonite has been investigated. The significant impact of modified polyamide on technological, physical and mechanical properties and heat resistance of polypropylene has been determined. It has been established that the melt flow index of the resulting composites increases by more than 2 times, compared with pure PP.

The Effect of Poly(vinyl chloride) Modifier and Filler Nature on Properties of Polyester Composites

The paper determines the influence of polymer modifier (poly(vinyl chloride)) and finely dispersed inorganic filler on the elastic-deformation and thermophysical properties of polyester materials. The research discovers the change of deformation modulus, elasticity modulus, high elasticity modulus, surface hardness, Vicat softening point, and technological shrinkage of modified polyester composites filled with calcium carbonate and aluminum oxide


In our time, the use of bitumen modified with epoxy compounds is considered as an
effective means of improving the durability of road pavement. Given the rather long duration
of modification of road bitumen epoxy rapeseed oil (EPO), we studied the processes of
modifying bitumen using ultrasonic cavitation. For research, road bitumen modified with
rapeseed oil epoxy using cavitation and without it. Cavitation in the process of modification of
road bitumen was used to reduce the modification time.


The influence of the polymeric modifier – poly(vinyl chloride) on the chemical stability of polyester composites was investigated. From the results of the research, it is found that equilibrium water absorption for polyester composites is established within 7-14 days. Water absorption of unmodified polyester material is about 1,5%.

Modified composites based on poly(ethylene-vinyl acetate) and crumb rubber

The blocked macrodiisocyanates (MDI) based on oligodienes with hydroxyl groups and a blocking agent p-quinonedioxyme have been synthesized. The effect of the modifier (blocked MDI) on the physical mechanical characteristics and structural features of composites based on the dispersed crumb rubber and functionalized poly(ethylene-vinyl acetate) were investigated. The effective concentration of the blocked MDI and its influence on mechanical and deformation characteristics of composites were studied.

Використання роздільського фосфогіпсу у виробництві сухих будівельних сумішей

This article presents the results of research into new directions of development and possibility of dry mixes usage from phosphogypsum Rozdil МСІ "Sulfur".

Вплив природи термопласту-модифікатора на мігрування пластифікатора з полівінілхлоридних пластикатів

The effect of polystyrene modifier and diesterphthalic plasticizer nature on wettability of PVC by plasticizer and degree of its migration from the volume of the material is established. Встановлено вплив природи полістрольного модифікатора і диестерфталатного пластифікатора на змочуваність полівінілхлориду пластифікатором та ступінь його мігрування з об’єму матеріалу.

Вплив високодисперсного порошку магнію гідросилікату на деформаційні властивості поліпропілену

The deformation properties of polypropylene modified by highly dispersed magnesium hydrosilicate are researched. It was established that the part of elastic deformation decreases with increasing of silicate filler content and the part of highly elastic and plastic deformation – increases. This fact indicates the formation of physically structured polymer composition material. Досліджено деформаційні властивості поліпропілену, модифікованого високодис- персним магнію гідросилікатом.