public health

The structural role of the state in the processes of health care and the provision of the national security system

Within the framework of this article, an analysis of the structural role of the state in health care processes was made, its functional purpose was solved in solving systemic problems concerning the preservation of the labor potential of the nation as a structural condition for the provision of the national security system in a crisis, and the main problems of human development that determine quality health systems, both at the global and national levels, and identifies the relevant sections of the exacerbation of the social security of citizens that narrow the space of the national ezpeky

Formation of global health strategy: institutional dimension

Problem setting. The strategies for a safe, fair and healthy world by 2030, which are supported by the governments, are identified by the goals of sustainable development and laid the foundation for launching the integration of specific measures concerning the maintenance of health in various fields and sectors. New challenges, the healthcare system is facing, forces governments to review health policy and managerial approaches in this direction.

The city as a healthy lifestyle cluster: connection of public health policy and health culture formation

Problem setting. The city is always a group identity, including a culture of health. Health is related to education, living conditions, work, leisure, and many other factors. Global megatrends confirm the relevance of public health development. At present, the public health structure in the field of domestic medicine is forming in Ukraine. A pandemic and a financial crisis are pushing the state and local communities more actively to build an appropriate system to protect the population.

The problems of aging: ethical, psychologic and social aspects

This article should bring us to understand who we can consider an aged person and what the main signs of aging are. Yet, the question beckons: What are we doing as a society to make sure that we adapt healthy lifestyles now to assure an inexorable transition into old age? This question is similarly posed as we strive to meet the demands of a growing diverse (racially and ethnically) aging population.