risk analysis

Risks of foreign economic activity: features and management methods these

At the current stage of development of the Ukrainian economy within the framework of international cooperation, an important aspect of functioning organisation is the awareness and education of both employees of the risk management department and all staff in the field of risk management that arise in the process of foreign trade operations. After all, timely response to a risk situation or to prevent the emergence of risks in foreign economic activities reduces potential losses in the future.

Risks assessment of suppliers' products life cycle processes based on their audit results in accordance with the standard VDA 6.3

The growing demands of consumers put in front of the management of the quality of the enterprise more and more complex tasks. This is particularly evident in the automotive industry. There is a focus of attention of manufacturers on the processes of the life cycle of products, in particular from suppliers. Here an important tool is the audit of the processes of the life cycle of products. So part of the standards of the German Automobile Manufacturers Association of the VDA are requirements for the audit of processes, during which, following the terminology of the primary source,

Risk analysis for RWH system and its verification by mathematical methods

Rainwater is an alternative and sustainable source of water which is in compliance with the idea of sustainable development. Risk analysis helps us to identify the risks associated with the rainwater harvesting (RWH) in general. In this article we identify that parts of the RWH system where potential hazardous events could occur. The potential hazardous events are