

During and after the technological operation of pressing these factors significantly determine the residual stress states of tungsten carbide inserts, as well as in the areas near the holes of the cones’ crowns of the cone. The stressed state of the inserts and the magnitude of the stress concentration determine their fatigue strength of them and the durability of the inserted carbide rock-blasting equipment of the cones in the area where the inserts the cone.

Improvement in the construction of the “Tungsten carbide insert cutter - cone” joint for tricone drill bits

Meet a claim is quite difficult in real production, even in specialized drilling manufacturers. Therefore, the development of reliable criteria for approaches to improving the technology of tricone drill bits is an urgent problem. This is great practical importance for domestic enterprise. The task is set to create rock-destroying insert in the basis of the developed construction. This allows you to increase the reliability of the connection between the cutter insert and the body of the cone.

Modeling of “combined cutter - cone” connection in tricone drill bits

A theoretical analysis of the stiffness of the “cutter-cone” connection was performed. In the article the character and magnitude of the tension at the contact of "cutter-cone" are investigated. An analysis of the surface of the openings for carbide inserts revealed traces of plastic deformation and fretting wear.

Математичне моделювання впливу зовнішнього середовища на напружено-деформівний стан деревини у процесі сушіння

In this article patterns of development of tension-deformed state of canillary–porous materials with variable heat-mechanic characteristics in the process of drying, depending on the characteristics of the environment, were resulted. The influence of the parameters of drying agent on the dynamics of stress in the wood was investigated on the basis of numerical experiment.

Evaluation of the permissible moment in a roller cone drill bit providing the prescribed reliability of work

After analyzing the nature of the damage of surfaces was discovered the traces of the compression effect which arise along the cutters axis when squeezing it into the rock of delve. There were also founded the traces of deformation from the action of bending to the cutter, depending on the orientation of its slip on the face. We noticed the rubbing, fretting-corrosion, damage the local areas of the apertures walls caused by scrolling the cutter around its axis in the aperture of cones crown.

Improving the Quality of the Technology of the Process When Preserving Tungsten Carbide Inset Cutter in the Cone

Determined that modern technology to ensure normal distribution sizes of holes in the roller cone bit for installation cutter pick under the false standard size of 14 mm create favorable conditions for selective grouping groups the size of holes and plug tungsten carbide inset cutter. In article proposed a method to establish rational parameters tensions in the design of connections “cone — tungsten carbide inset cutter” nine selective groups. This approach enables to provide constant average value of tension at 0.103 mm.

Lathe Turning Mode Optimization for Parts Working under Conditions of Cyclic Loading

This work is devoted to questions of technological cyclic durability maintenance, of the material for parts working under cyclic loading conditions, by lathe processing optimization. The analysis of the impact of the surface layer quality on fatigue characteristics is described for parts operating under cyclic loads. Survey of methods for evaluating cyclic durability is completed, which showed lack of information about the mathematical relation between the cyclic durability of the part’s material and technological conditions of its production.

Improvement Technology Manufacturing Drill Bits With False Rock Cutting Rigging During the Design Process of Pressing Carbide Inserts in Milling

Favorable conditions are created under false carbide teeth for grouping selective groups of dimensions of holes and teeth if the conditions existing technology to ensure normal distribution of sizes of holes in the crown cutters. The proposed method allows to determine the optimal parameters tensions in the design of connection “tooth-rolling cutter” in selective groups.

Designing New Product Line of Cutters for Development of Functional-oriented Technology of Their Manufacturing

The aim of research is the improvement in quality indicators embedded rock cutting equipment of cutter drill bits. Research carried out as in a real production drilling bits and during modeling in CAD-system, integrated use of experimental laboratory, bench and field operational tests.