sodium liquid glass

Вплив природи полімеру і хлориду металу на закономірності одержання полімер-силікатного композиту

In the article the influence of the concentration factors, the nature of the metal chloride and polyvinylpyrolidone content on the regularities of receiving the modified silicates of metals is ascertained. The conditions and rational technological parameters of compatible deposition of  water-soluble silicates and polymers under the influence of metal chlorides are determined. Встановлений вплив концентраційних чинників, природи хлориду металу, вмісту полівінілпіролідону на закономірності одержання модифікованих силікатів металів.

Regularities of Obtaining, Morphology and Properties of Metal-Containing Polymer-Silicate Materials and Polyester Composites on their Basis

The effect of the kind, concentration and introduction method of polymeric modifiers (polyvinyl alcohol and polyvinylpyrrolidone), as well as the kind of metal chloride on the physico-chemical regularities of the obtaining process of modified metal-containing polymer-silicate materials, their morphology and properties has been examined. Using instrumental methods of investigations it was established that obtaining of metal-containing polymer-silicate materials was accompanied by intermolecular interactions between active silicate groups and functional groups of a polymeric modifier.