mathematical models

Управління інтелектуальним роботом для виконання операцій в обмеженому просторі

The cinematic scheme of special intelectual robots and mathematical models to control of their movement are considered in this paper.

Прогнозування ризиків кредитування фізичних осіб за математичними моделями

In the Paper modern approaches to mathematical modeling of retail crediting process have been considered. The necessity to construct specialized decision support systems on the basis of system analysis principles in crediting potential clients was recognized. Advantages of such systems are possibilities to implement effective preliminary data processing, use several alternative methods to estimate clients’ status and set of quality criteria on each stage of data analysis.

Development of Mathematical Models of External Mass Exchange under Conditions of Vibroextraction from Vegetable Raw Materials

We present results of development of mathematical models of external mass exchange in extraction of desired products from vegetable raw materials and mathematical models for the determination of the minimum time of achievement of the equilibrium state of the system and the current concentration of a soluble substance for their using in the optimization of operation of solid-phase extraction equipment.