
Choosing the optimal location of distribution substations (switchgear) in networks of power supply companies considering external power lines

It has been offered the algorithms determine the optimal location of distribution substations or switchgear for the electrical system , taking into account external power line. Optimality criterion selected discounted costs. It is shown that the optimal position location distribution substation (switching substation) is shifted from the centre of electrical loads in the direction of power.

Розрахунок граничних напружень зчеплення арматури з пінобетоном

The article is devoted to the method of reinforcement bonding stress calculation in foam concrete, which is based on the new approach described in DSTU B V.2.6-156: 2010, and the author’s proposals, the most important of which is the replacement of the concrete tensile strength value by the compressive strength with conversion factor. The determination of values of safety factor of the material for two boundary conditions also confirmed the accuracy of proposed algorithm.

Розроблення методики оцінювання важливості характеристик стеганографічних алгоритмів

In this paper the problem of estimating the importance of each of the characteristics of steganographic algorithms is solved. The resulting estimates are used in the analysis of the existing algorithms for information embedding and multiobjective choice of the best algorithm. The technique allows providing an equally weighted algorithms estimation, and also considers the importance of coefficients of characteristics.

The algorithm of showing text’s lexical richness change

Described is the algorithm of detecting changes in the ratio of different words to the total number of words in the text which can be used to address the issues of determining the author's style. The problem of comparing text styles works is relevant in both philological and historical studies, as well as in computer science. The use of these comparison methods can improve the quality of classification and text collections management, which is important for search engines and large repositories of text data.

Application of Gradient Method for Solving Constrained Optimization Tasks

The constrained optimization task of wool sheepskin tanning–greasing applying the gradient method is solved. The optimality criterion is formulated as a generalized additive objective function. The modified gradient method algorithm is based on software module. Mathematical description for a low-waste technology using dry chrome tanning agent is obtained and its constraints are determined.