catalytic cooligomerization

Коолігомеризація ароматично-терпенових вуглеводнів у присутності каталізаторів різної природи

Cooligomerization of unsaturated hydrocarbons of C9 fraction of diesel fuel pyrolysis liquid products and terpenic hydrocarbons of turpentine has been studied using catalysts of different nature. Physical-chemical properties of the aromatic-terpenic resins obtained with these catalysts have been compared.

Study of Aromatic and Terpenic Hydrocarbons Catalytic Cooligomerization Regularities

Regularities of cationic cooligomerization of C9 fraction aromatic hydrocarbons of diesel fuel pyrolysis products and terpenic hydrocarbons of turpentine have been ascertained. New efficient catalyst of the process, namely homogeneous complex of aluminium chloride with ethyl acetate in the organic solvent (xylene), is suggested.