sodium chloride

Створення нового технологічного процесу повного перероблення розчину стебницького хвостосховища у кондиційні продукти – натрію хлорид і бішофіт

In this article the new technological process of complete processing of solution Stebnik’s tailings on the basis a complex experimental researches, which involves the use of standard equipment, is developed. It enables to get two conditioned products (sodium chloride and bishofit) and potassium-magnesium fertilizer. The cyclic using of organic extractant in the process enables dramatically reduce material costs of processing tailings solution and provides ecological completeness of the process.

Modeling the adsorption connections and their influence on informational parameters of metal-electrolyte interface

The methodology of mathematical modeling and the information tools for determination of the influence of an adsorption on the physical characteristics of the electric double layer of the "metal-electrolyte" interface are described

Treatment of Aqueous Solutions of Sodium Chloride by Nonequilibrium Low Temperature Plasma

The kinetics of chemical transformations in water solutions of sodium chloride under conditions of plasma processing in gas-liquid periodic plasma-chemical reactor of blending was studied. The mathematical model including stages of oxidation of water molecules and chlorides-ions as well as stages of decomposing of metasable products of chemical transformations was offered.