
Імітаційне моделювання сейсмоселектора

Розглянуто принцип роботи і блок-схему селектора сейсмічних подій для авто- матичних пристроїв сейсмологічних станцій. Обґрунтовано вибір середовища для моделювання. Наведені результати імітаційного візуального моделювання.

The article deals with the work principles and the block scheme of the seismic actions selector for automated devices of seismological stations. The sphere modeling selection has been substantiated. The results of visual imitation modeling has been presented.

Analysis of thermal-elastic geomechanical processes on the base of complex deformational monitoring data

The thesis applies for the original geodynamical investigations of the Transcarpathians territory. New laser-digital techniques of tension and weather-temperature observations on the base of author’s implementations were used. Such techniques  allow to observe and study sub-low geological processes and movements before, during and after earthquakes, create a of tension and weather-temperature data base, make complex analyses and processing of geophysical information.

Current state and prospects of development studies seismological in the Carpathian region of Ukraine

Shows the short history of seismological observations in the Carpathian region, the necessity of improving the seismic equipment and automation of processing the data. Is the list of existing seismic stations, their equipment and basic parameters layout. Given a list of problems to be solved by using materials obtained seismological observations. Shows the main directions of modernization of the hardware receive seismic information, communications and software.

20th annivesary of the Carpathian Branch S.I.Subbotin’s institute of geophysics, Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences

The main results of fundamental and applied investigations in the field of geophysical studies, which were drawn in the Carpathian Branch of IGPH during 1991 – 2011 yrs. are reported.

Dynamics of postseismic tectonic deformations

Aim. The purpose of researches – continuous monitoring observations of geophysical fields, determined by the need of fundamental and applied geophysics and geology for reliable and detailed regional data on the behavior in time and space components of geophysical fields generic modern dynamics of the earth's crust, especially in seismically active regions. Such data are also needed to evaluate the durability and reliability of critical and dangerous geological and geotechnical hazards.