
Дослідження невизначеностей у задачах сценарного планування

Проаналізовано головні типи невизначеностей, які з’являються під час розв’язання задач сценарного планування. Запропоновано для подолання невизначе- ностей в задачах сценарного планування визначати інформаційні ситуації та відповідно до інформаційних ситуацій та типів невизначеності системно використовувати методи аналізу та прийняття рішень.

Planning the costs of ensuring the quality parameters of the enterprise’s products in the conditions of foreign economic activit

The problems of cost planning for ensuring the quality parameters of the enterprise's products in the conditions of foreign economic activity are investigated. The reasons for the introduction of key principles of quality management in the technology of planning costs to ensure the quality parameters of products are identified. Recommendations for the introduction of assortment policy planning based on the gradation of costs and quality parameters of products at the enterprise in the conditions of foreign economic activity are formed.

Lean management un the context of economic growth and development

Economic growth planning plays an important role because it ensures the efficient operation of the company, and efficient operations cannot be carried out without reducing production costs. That is why it is expedient to implement a system of planning of lean management for the purpose of economic growth in the context of the introduction of new types of foreign economic activity. Therefore, the purpose of the work is to develop measures for planning economic growth at the enterprise in the context of introduction of new types of foreign economic activity.


Purpose. The purpose of the study is to formulate a proposal to improve the technology of planning the supply of goods as part of the financial planning of import operations of PE "Art-Energo" in accordance with the problems identified during the analysis of the enterprise.

Among the objectives of the study are:

- consideration of the current state and features of the functioning of the system of financial planning of import operations at the enterprise during the analysis of its activities;

Comprehensive approach to training specialists in the area of engineering education

The article outlines advantages of applying a comprehensive approach to training specialists in the area of engineering education. Modern approaches to project management in production are analyzed, using the known experience of the European countries and the world. The basic tools of project management that are applied at all stages of implementation of engineering projects are described.

The international experience of regulation of criminalresponsibility for propaganda, planning, preparation, unleashing and conducting of aggressive war

This paper examines the international experience of regulation of criminal responsibility forpropaganda, planning, preparation, unleashing and conductingof aggressive war. On the basis of analysis of orders criminal legislation separate European and most post-Soviet countries the general and excellent lines of the normative regulation this question. Problematic issues and ways of their elimination are determined.


The article examines the main options for placement of catering establishments in the structure of cities and settlements, reveals their specific features and provides recommendations regarding the location of certain types of catering establishments in accommodation options.  Examples of placement of catering establishments of modern domestic and foreign food establishments were taken to analyze accommodation options

Planning as an important direction of organization in the investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity in terms of counteraction

The article investigates the of planning organization during the investigation of crimes in the sphere of official activity in terms of counteraction the process of disclosure of illegal acts on the part of stakeholders.

Organization of planning of investigation of crimes that is accomplished during public purchases in the field of health protection

A concept and essence of planning of investigation of crimes that is accomplished during
public purchases in the field of health protection are considered. The basic elements of
planning, that is represented on the basis of inquisitional version, are outlined. Inquisitional
(to the search) actions, that not-roundabout to plan on the initial stage investigation of crimes
that is accomplished during public purchases in the field of health protection, are certain.

Development of Model, Based on Petri Nets, for the Planning Stage of Robotic Systems Design System

This article is devoted to development of model, based on Petri nets, which corresponds planning stage of RTS automatic design. The model was developed according to the algorithm of the planning stage, which is the basic one in five-level representation of the robotization project estimation process, and enables to explore the dynamics of the process and the reliability of the corresponding component of the RTS design system, also providing the possibility of additional RTS correction in a broader functional and constructive spectrum.