information resources

Modern Technology Management Web-media Resource Service System Analysis Digital Distribution

The analysis technologies and methods of construction of digital distribution, sales analysis of existing systems of electronic content are conducted. Researched digital distribution services and programs that implement the information systems of digital distribution are researched. The algorithm of search products and deep selection for the wishes of the user are developed. The information system of digital distribution using WinForms application is developed.

Comprehensive method of commercial content support in the electronic business systems

In the given article content lifecycle model in electronic commerce systems is proposed. The model describes the processes of information resources processing in the electronic content commerce systems and simplifies the content automation management technology. In the given paper the main problems of e-commerce and content function management services are analyzed.

Functionally logistic model of commercial content processing

In the given article is functional logistic model of commercial content processing as the content life cycle stage in electronic commerce systems proposed. The model of commercial content processing describes the information resources forming in electronic content commerce systems and automation technology simplifies the commercial content management. In the given article the main problems of electronic content commerce and functional services of commercial content processing are analyzed.

Life cycle model of commercial content processing in electronic commerce systems

In the given article, a functional logistic model of commercial content processing as a stage of the content life cycle in electronic commerce systems is proposed. The model of commercial content processing describes the processes of forming information resources in electronic content commerce systems, and simplifies the technology of commercial content management. In the given article, the main problems of electronic content commerce and functional services of commercial content processing are analyzed.

Особливості проектування та аналіз узагальненої архітектури систем електронної контент-комерції

In the given article content lifecycle model in electronic commerce systems is proposed. The model describes the processes of information resources processing in the electronic content commerce systems and simplifies the content automation management technology. In the paper the main problems of e-commerce and content function management services are analyzed.

Cтруктура засобів опрацювання інформаційних ресурсів у системах електронної контент-комерції

Some of principal problems of electronic content commerce and functional services of content processing are analyzed in the article. Proposed method gives an opportunity to form resources processing tools for electronic commerce systems so as implement subsystems for content formation, management and support.

Архітектура систем електронної контент-комерції

From the perspective of systemic approach, the application of principles of information resources processing in electronic content commerce systems for content lifecycle implementation was conducted, which enabled us to develop methods for the commercial content formation, management and support. An integrated method of commercial content formation for the time and resources reduction of content production was developed.

Інноваційні комп’ютерні технології у Хмельницькому національному університеті

Розглянуто стан і проблеми комп’ютеризації освітньо-виховної та управлінської діяльності вищих навчальних закладів. Запропонована модульна інформаційна система університету на базі відкритого програмного забезпечення, що вільно розповсюджується. Досвід розроблення і практичного використання інформаційної системи “Електронний університет” дає змогу зробити висновок, що інноваційне управління навчальним процесом сприяє оптимізації навчального процесу і забезпечує якісну підготовку фахівців.

Створення та застосування систем електронної контент-комерції

In the given article the main problems of electronic content commerce and functional services of commercial content processing are analyzed. The proposed model gives an opportunity to create an instrument of information resources processing in electronic content commerce systems (ECCS) and to implement the subsystem of commercial content formation, management and support.

Web project management of e-business for commercial content selling

In the given article content lifecycle model in electronic commerce systems is proposed. The model describes the processes of information resources processing in the electronic content commerce systems and simplifies the content automation management technology. In the paper the main problems of e-commerce and content function management services are analyzed