fuzzy sets

Розділення території на економічні складові в умовах невизначеності

Запропоновано модель розподілу території на економічні зони з використанням методів теорії нечітких множин.

Model of separation of territory on economic zones with by use of methods of the theory of fuzzy sets is offered.

Assessment of the Level of Development of European Countries In the Context of the Sustainable Development Model With the Application of Fuzzy Sets Theory Methods

To assess the achievement of goals in the context of implementing a sustainable development model, we are considering the methodical and applied tools based on the use of the theory of fuzzy sets and the technology of implementing the model of communication between its individual indicators, which should be used in developing scenarios of strategic development of Ukraine

Algorithm for Clusterization, Aggregation and Prioritization of M2m Devices in Heterogeneous 4g/5g Network

The transition to building Smart City, Smart House and other places using M2M imposes tight network requirements. This includes delays, bandwidth, transmission duration. When introducing M2M, an important feature is reducing the sensor’s power consumption when transmitting information and the amount of signaling information to the 4G/5G mobile heterogeneous network base station. To do this, the paper proposes to combine sensors into clusters in which the main sensor acts as a gateway for all others.

Defining of environmental effect fuzzy situations on the cognitive state of individual who makes decisions in the ergatic systems

Fuzzy classifiers which allow to accurately describe the factors for which there are no strict regularities and one must associate quantitative and qualitative assessments of factors which influence the individual while decision-making.