intelligent information system

Software for the implementation of an intelligent system to solve the problem of “cold start”

As a result of the research, one of the approaches to building an intelligent information system based on the recommendation of products to users with a solution to the cold start problem is described and modeled. The conducted research takes into account the advantages and disadvantages of the meth- ods, as well as their compatibility, when combining them, which is an important factor for the speed of the system and the efficiency of the algorithm.

Analysis of Metrics for Intelligent Information Systems

The problem of constructing metrics is crucial for solving the problem of quantitative evaluation of both systems of objects of arbitrary nature as a whole and the relationships that describe the connections between the components of these systems. Modern information systems simulate subject areas that contain objects and systems of complex structure. The network model is most appropriate for describing the world around it: it reflects objects and systems of objects of arbitrary nature that interact with each other. In fact, any system can be described using a network model.

Intelligent Information System “Smart Lock” for the Protection of Apartments

Intelligent information system “Smart lock” for the protection of apartments is considered and described. A general description of smart homes and the relevance of their use is made. Described an issue which appear when using smart home devices. Examples of two existing similar models are provided: SmartLock and Schlage Sense Smart Lock. An analysis of their advantages and disadvantages is made to take this information into account for the device that going to be created. A brief description of up-to- date information on face recognition techniques is provided.

Інформаційна інтелектуальна система діяльності кінопрокату

In the article researched and analyzed the problems associated with the filmmaking and film distribution in Ukraine. Considered the basic principles of information intelligent system of the film distribution activity. Proposed the model of knowledge of the intellectual component of intellectual information system and its practical implementation in the form of expert system to provide advice to the client on a movie.