
Залежність ексергетичного ККД систем кондиціювання повітря від внутрішньої температури в чистих приміщеннях

In modern technologies, which are related to energy transformation, namely in the air conditioning systems, important place are occupied by equipment and processes, the objective estimation of value of its energy perfection can be defined only on the basis of thermodynamic analysis.

Вплив внутрішніх температури і вологовмісту повітря операційних чистих кімнат на ексергетичний ККД центральної прямотечійної системи кондиціювання повітря

In the modern air conditioning systems, important place are occupied by equipment and processes, the objective estimation of value of its energy perfection can be defined only on the basis of exergetic analysis. Innovation mathematical research model of the implemented central straight flow air conditioning system for operation cleanrooms in order to computer’s estimation its energy effective by virtue of exergetic output-input ratio depending on different factors, which have influence on its work, was described in this article.