The formation of key segments of cognitive linguistics terminology (diachronic and synchronic aspects)

: pp. 169 - 174

Khomenska I. The formation of key segments of cognitive linguistics terminology (diachronic and synchronic aspects) // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2014. – # 791.

M. P. Drahomanov National Pedagogical University

The article deals with the main historical stages of development of the components of the cognitive linguistics terminology. The main concepts of cognitive linguistics are defined as well as the stages of development of cognitive linguistics as a science. The basic concepts of the term system of the researches scientific paradigm are distinguished. The frame model and types of frames as the basis of description of the conceptual world view are outlined. The main approaches to the definition of the term «concept» are described.

Linguistic research within the new anthropocentric paradigm has seen the appearance of interdisciplinary approach to the language and the formation of different related branches of science such as ethnolinguistics, psycholinguistics, the conceptual approach, cognitive linguistics, discourse studies, communicative linguistics, sociolinguistics, etc. in the last four decades. Cognitive linguists’ research shows the relevance of this area of linguistic knowledge. However, sometimes there is a certain degree of confusion over the concepts of this young but already popular science. The aim of this article is to outline the main historical stages of development of this terminological system and study modern definitions of the basic notions of cognitive linguistics.

The article deals with the main historical stages of development of cognitive linguistics terms. The main concepts of cognitive linguistic are defined. The stages of development of cognitive linguistics as a science are described. The basic concepts of terminological system of researched scientific paradigm are delineated. The framing model and the types of frames that are basic in the description of conceptual picture of the world are outlined. The main approaches to definition of the term «concept» are described.

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