Comparative analysis of urban meaning of the terms “industrial and residential area” – “technopolis”

: pp. 137 - 140

Mazur T., Korol Ye. Comparative analysis of urban meaning of the terms “industrial and residential area” – “technopolis” // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2016. – # 842.

Lviv Politechnic National University, Department of Urban Planning
Lviv Politechnic National University, Department of Urban Planning

The article describes industrial and residential areas that have become part of the global urban practice in the second half of the XXth century. Authors provide comparative analysis of the terms “industrial and residential area” and “technopolis” with consideration of reasons and purposes for their appearance and peculiarities of their functional and planning organization. The article gives evaluation for the prospects of formation of the mentioned areas in the mentioned areas in the contexts of current tendencies for the industrial city areas.

Abstract. The article considers industrial and residential formations that emerged in world’s urban planning practice in the second half of the XX century. The comparative analysis is done as to the causes and purposes of their appearance and characteristics of functional and planning organization. The article estimates the prospects of their formation in the context of current trends in the industrial areas of the city.

After the World War II urban development was based on the principles of the Athens Charter that included the separation of urban areas into the areas for main people’s activities - living, work, recreation and communication. However, some integrated residential and industrial formations appear in the global architectural and urban planning practice while forming the industrial city complexes. In Soviet urban planning it was the industrial and residential area, in the western countries with market economies it was technopolis.

Different terms describe very similar in functional and content phenomena that combine in internal structure the same components (industrial, community, landscape and recreational facilities, residential construction, research institutions and educational institutions). The emergence of such formations during almost one historical period but in different ideological, political and social and economic environment requires understanding of the differences in ideological principles and criteria of economic efficiency under which they were formed. This is important for working out strategies for the development of industrial areas in the planning structure of Ukrainian cities at the present stage.

The purpose of the article is to identify effective approaches to the development of industrial areas of our cities, to bring the manufacturing process to the innovative competitive level and to turn it into a powerful factor of urban development.

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