Manuals of terminology studies and educational process

: pp. 18- 23

Kochan I. Manuals of terminology studies and educational process // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2016. – # 842.

L'viv Ivan Franko National University

The article presents an overview of manuals that were published in the twenty-first century in Ukraine, defined their structure, peculiarities, purpose. The main focus is on general manuals that serve bases of terminology or outline the specifics of Ukrainian and named narrow specialized educational books.

The task of high school today is the training of highly skilled professionals who not only acquire certain professional skills, but also understand the laws of creating of scientific concepts names, know how to correctly use terminology in all areas of the profession. Therefore, in the curricula of higher education institutions the discipline "Ukrainian terminology studies" is introduced, where it occupies a prominent place among regulatory and among selective courses (in each university in its own way). Terminology (through the educational process) becomes for the student the basis of his skills in professional communication.   

The teaching of terminology requires educational software in the form of educational textbooks, manuals, workshops and other educational materials. Its aims are to provide comprehensive knowledge of the terminology of chosen profession, to help to orient in changes that have occurred in recent years in terminology. The article examines manuals.

Many textbooks, manuals, and other educational books both on general issues of terminology, and purely professional were published during 2000 - 2015. The problem is: what manuals and in what disciplines we have today and what the frequency of their occurrence is.

Educational literature is presented in textbooks, training manuals, manuals, training manuals, methodical instructions, practical works, lecture notes and more. Each of them has its own specific representation of information and educational purposes. It is a clear matter that it is not possible to cover and analyze absolutely all publications for this classification in one article, focus only on manuals for general purpose, i.e. those that introduce students to the basics of the term, terminology, terminology system, give historical information about the formation of a national Ukrainian terminology studies.

The manual - is a publication that complements or partially (completely) replaces the textbook approved as this type of publication.

In 2003, the world saw the manual "Fundamentals of Ukrainian terminology and translation of scientific and technical literature", which concluded O.V. Bondarets, L.Ya. Tereshchenko, V.V. Dubichynskyy, G.D. Pavlova. It was published in Kharkov Technical University at “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute”.

In 2007 A.V. Lipinska published the manual "Scientific and Technical Terminology" for distance education, that studies the history and current state of terminology studies  and problems of scientific and technical terminology, word formation of terms requirements for the terms, nature and objectives of terminological and terminographic work.

The manual by Olga Ivanivna Pavlova "Fundamentals of terminology studies" was published in Rivne publishing house "Volyn amulets" in 2011. It is designed for university students without regarding the direction of studying and specialty, and educational level. So it is universal. However, in her short annotation, author still said that she had written it for senior students of faculties of foreign and Ukrainian philology.

In 2013, in Ukraine, a new manual on this subject "Fundamentals of terminology studies” appeared. The authors are S.Z. Bulyk-Verkhola, G.V. Nakonechna, Yu.V. Tehlivets – the associate professors of Lviv Polytechnic National University. The manual is designed for students of different forms of education and for all those who is interested in modern Ukrainian terminology studies.

The main attention in the article is focused on a detailed analysis of these publications.

By focusing on manuals of Ukrainian terminology studies, we have made the conclusion that there is a number of books such as manuals, training manuals, methodical instructions, practical works, courses of lectures and others. Since main attention in this article has been focused on the general direction of manuals, others were just listed. This topic has a great perspective on a detailed analysis of such educational books and fixing their publication.

1. Anatomichna terminolohiia : posib. dlia stud. ta vyklad. vyshchykh navch. zakl. III–IV rivniv akred. / uklad. K. A. Diubenko ; Natsionalnyi medychnyi un-t im. O. O. Bohomoltsia. – 2-he vyd., dop. i oprats. – K. : 2001. – 392 s. 2. Artykutsa N. V. Mova prava i yurydychna terminolohiia : navch. posib. / N. V. Artykutsa. – K. : Stylos, 2002. – 198 s. 3. Bondarets O. V. Posibnyk z osnov ukrainskoho terminoznavstva ta perekladu naukovo-tekhnichnoi literatury : navch. posib. / O. V. Bondarets, V. V. Dubichynskyi, H. D. Pavlova, L. Ia. Tereshchenko. – Kh. : NTU «KhPI», 2002. – 68 s. 4. Bubela O. Iu. Znachennia ta funktsii himnastychnoi terminolohii : lektsiia dlia stud. fizychn. vykhov. Lviv. derzh. un-tu fizychn. kultury / Bubela O. Iu. – L., 2006. 5. Buziun O. I. Himnastychna terminolohiia : navch. posib. / O. I. Buziun ; Volynskyi derzh. un-t im. Lesi Ukrainky. – Lutsk : Nadstyr’ia, 1995. – 84 s. 6. Vasenko L. A. Prykladne terminoznavstvo : navch. posib. – Ch. 1 / L. A. Vasenko, V. V. Dubichynskyi, O. M. Krymets [ta in.] ; Nats. tekhn. un-t «Khark. politekhn. in-t». – Kh., 2003. – 144 c. 7. Himnastychna terminolohiia: navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. fiz. vykhov. i sportu / Iu. M. Saliamin, I. A. Tereshchenko, S. P. Prokopiuk, T. M. Levchuk. – K. : Olimpiiska literatura, 2010. – 144 s. 8. Zaitseva V. M. Suchasna sportyvna terminolohiia: navch. posibnyk dlia studentiv VNZ / V. M. Zaitseva. – K., 2004. – 99 s. 9. Komova M. V. Dokumentoznavcha terminolohiia: navch. posib. dlia stud. spets. / M. V. Komova. – L. : Vyd-vo NU «Lvivska politekhnika», 2003. – 167 s. 10. Lytvynenko N. P. Ukrainska medychna terminolohiia u fakhovii movi likaria : navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshchykh med. zakl. osvity III–IV rivniv akredytatsii / N. P. Lytvynenko, N. V. Misnyk ; Nats. med. un-t im. O. O. Bohomoltsia. – 2-he vyd., dop. – K. : Knyha Plius, 2001. – 174 s. 11. Lipinska A. V. Naukovo-tekhnichna terminolohiia : navch. posib. dlia dystants. navch. / A. V. Lipinska ; Instytut dystantsiinoho navchannia. – K. : Universytet «Ukraina», 2007. – 218 s. 12. Mykhailova O. H. Ukrainska naukova terminolohiia. / O. H. Mykhailova, A. A. Sydorenko, V. F. Sukhopar. ; Nats. tekh. un-t «Khark. politekhn. in-t». – Kh. : NTU «KhPI», 2002. – 119 s. 13. Nikulina N. V. Terminoznavstvo: linhvistychnyi opys ukrainskoi terminolohichnoi systemy avtomobilebuduvannia: navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshch. navch. zakl. / N. V. Nikulina ; Khark. nats. avtomob.-dorozhn. un-t. – Kh. : KhNADU, 2006. – 144s. 14. Osnovy terminoznavstva : navch. posib. / S. Z. Bulyk-Verkhola, H. V. Nakonechna, Iu. V. Tehlivets. L.: – Vyd-vo Lvivskoi politekhniky, 2013. – 160 s. 15. Pavlova O. I. Osnovy terminoznavstva : navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshchykh navch. zakladiv. – Rivne, 2011. – 200 s. 16. Pravova terminolohiia : navch.-metod. kompleks z kursu / uklad. L. V. Naumovska. – K. : In-t advokatury, 2001. – S. 3–17. 17. Pushchyna I. V. Suchasna ukrainska sportyvna terminolohiia : navch. posib. dlia stud. f-tiv fizychnoho vykhovannia vyshch. navch. zakl. / I. V. Pushchyna, V. M. Zaitseva ; Zaporizkyi derzh. un-t. – Zaporizhzhia : ZDU, 2003. – 96 s. 18. Saliamin Iu. M, Tereshchenko I. A., Prokopiuk S. P., Levchuk T. M. «Himnastychna terminolohiia». – K. : Fizychna kultura, 2010. 19. Serhiienko L. P. Terminy i poniattia u fizychnii kulturi : navch. posib. dlia stud. vyshchykh navch. zakl. fizkultury i sportu. – T. : Navchalna knyha – Bohdan, 2011. – 264 s. 20. Symonenko L. O. Biolohichna terminolohiia: formuvannia ta funktsionuvannia: navch. posib. dlia stud. pryrodn. f-tiv / L. O. Symonenko. – Uman : RVTs «Sofiia», 2006. – 104 s. 21 Skryhoniuk M. I. Kryminalistychna terminolohiia: navch. posib. / M. I. Skryhoniuk. – K. : VPTs «Kyivskyi universytet», 2003. – 124 s. 22. Cherkasov V. H., Bobryk I. I., Huminskyi Iu. I., Kovalchuk O. I. Mizhnarodna anatomichna terminolohiia. – Vinnytsia : Nova knyha, 2010. – 392 s. 23. Chulinda L. I. Ukrainska pravnycha terminolohiia : navch. posib. – K. : Mahistr – KhKhI storichchia, 2010. – 158 s.