Specificity of sectoral structure of term systems (based on the example of Ukrainian terminology of oil and gas industry)

: pp. 55 - 58

Doroshenko S. Specificity of sectoral structure of term systems (based on the example of Ukrainian terminology of oil and gas industry) // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2016. – # 842.

Poltava National Technical Yuri Kondratyuk University

Ukrainian terminology of oil and gas industry is examined as a field structure. Characteristics of terminology field are defined. A particular structure is made – a core and a periphery. Concentration of field-formative features in the core and incomplete set of these features due to possible loosening of their intensity at the periphery are typical for this structure.

Ukrainian terminology of oil and gas industry is examined as an autonomous and relatively closed field structure which is not deprived of influence of widely used speech and terminologies of other branches.

The research of term field structure of oil and gas industry was done on the basis of component analysis of terms chosen from branch dictionaries. Term field of oil and gas industry has main features of linguistic field:

1) a special structure- a core-a periphery. Concentration of the field-formative features in the core and incomplete set of these features due to possible loosening of their intensity at the periphery are typical for this structure;

2) ability of certain fields to cross, which leads to creation of common segments, zones of semantic conversion from one terminological field to another one. Conversion from the core to the periphery also goes gradually. Besides, a whole row of peripheral zones with different degree of remoteness from the core;

3) the field can conclude dissimilar linguistic means which belong to different grammar sorts or levels of language;

4) the field may consist of several micro fields which have relative independence

Distinguishable features of field building are connections of field elements with oil and gas industry terminology and a level of generalization. The core of the field is created by sectoral terminology of oil and gas industry which is viewed as entirety in spite of its multidimensionality and complexity. The seme correlation with oil and gas industry is central for such terms. The periphery of term field of oil and gas industry is created by terms which are connected with oil and gas business only by differential semes (or seme). They are intersectorial, general scientific and basic terms. Intersectorial terms define notions and conceptions which belong to lots of technical disciplines. They are represented by terms of three groups in the analyzed term field: intersectorial terms which define notions which are contiguous with oil and gas industry of scientific disciplines and applied sciences, particularly geology, mechanics, physics, chemistry; terms which have several meanings in different sectoral term fields, one of which is in oil and gas industry; terms which are connected with other branches only by the same linguistic shell but have completely various meanings.

General scientific terms (a system, a conception, a theory, a principle, an analysis and etc.) and basic terms like an apparatus, equipment, a machine and etc., are located in the periphery which is the most remote zone. Its main peculiarity is cross-disciplinary nature and a high level of abstraction.

According to the system of notions on which experimental term system is based, oil and gas industry terms should be divided into 12 lexical thematic groups:  names of actions, processes and operations connected with recovering oil and gas; names of ways, modes and methods of performing working operations and processes; names of machines, gears, apparatuses, devices, instruments of labor and details which are used by drilling, working out and exploiting oil and gas deposits; names of features, qualities of objects, phenomena, processes and names of conditions; names of chemical elements, substances and materials which are used in oil and gas industry; names of geological phenomena, notions, rocks; names of quantities; names of enterprises, premises and facilities of special purposes and their parts; names of measuring instruments; names of professions and specialties; names of scientific branches and industrial ones connected with oil and gas production; names of units of measure.

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