Structural and stylistic features of popular scientific genre books of XVIII of century

: pp. 99 - 102

Faichuk T. Structural and stylistic features of popular scientific genre books of XVIII of century // Website of TC STTS: Herald of L'viv Polynechnic National University "Problems of Ukrainian Terminology". – 2016. – # 842.

The Institute of linguistics named after A. A. Potebnya of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

The comparative typology analysis of manuscript of curative adviser of XVIІІ of century allowed to investigate the structure, to describe the table of contents, the stylistic features of this monument of scientific and popular genre.

1. Appendix ili pridatok // A manuscript of middle of XVIII of century, Institute of manuscript of the National library of Ukraine named after V. І. Vernadskyi. – f 30. – № 123. – 30 folias. 2. Historical grammar of Ukrainian / Zhovtobrukh M. A., Volokh O. G., Samijlenko S. P., Slinko I. I. – К. : Higher school, 1980. – 320 с. 3. Curative and economic advisers of XVIII of century. Series :Sights of Ukrainian language. / [prepared to edition by Peredrienko V. A.]. – К. : Scientific thought, 1984. – 128 p. 4. Nimchuk V. V. Genres and styles in history of literary Ukrainian / Nimchuk V. V., Rusanivskij V. M., Chepiga I. P. – К., 1989. – 293 p. 5. Peredrienko V. A. Forming of literary Ukrainian of XVIII of century on folk basis / Peredrienko V. A. – К. : Scientific thought, 1979. – 144 p. 6. Peshchak М. М. Development of Old Russian and Old Ukrainian scientific text / Peshchak  М. М. – К. : Ukrainian Studies, 1994. – 272 p.