: 46-51
Received: October 06, 2019
Accepted: November 20, 2019

Цитування за ДСТУ: Кузьмін О. В., Яцишин Т. Я. Проектування та реалізація інформаційно-пошукової системи "Випускник". Український журнал інформаційних технологій. 2019, т. 1, № 1. С. 46–51.

Citation APA: Kuzmin, O. V., & Yatsyshyn, T. Y. (2019). Design and implementation of the information search system "Graduate". Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology, 1(1), 46–51.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University

One of the ma­in in­di­ca­tors of the ra­ting of Uk­ra­ini­an uni­ver­si­ti­es is the qua­lity of pre­pa­ra­ti­on of fu­tu­re grad­ua­tes. The qua­lity of the grad­ua­te's tra­ining may be ref­lec­ted with a pos­si­bi­lity of his employ­ment. It is im­pos­sib­le to track ca­re­er growth of grad­ua­tes wit­ho­ut cre­ati­on of centra­li­zed in­for­ma­ti­onal sto­ra­ge to co­ver this pro­cess as well as pos­si­bi­lity for grad­ua­te to in­put in­for­ma­ti­on abo­ut his employ­ment. Ma­in aim of cre­ati­on of in­for­ma­ti­on se­arch system grad­ua­te was to pro­vi­de dif­fe­rent de­partments of Uk­ra­ini­an uni­ver­si­ti­es with softwa­re so­lu­ti­on which co­uld sto­re grad­ua­tes re­la­ted in­for­ma­ti­on. To cre­ate the softwa­re so­lu­ti­on and ac­hi­eve the go­als, a web-ba­sed system was de­ve­lo­ped that runs on a cli­ent-ser­ver archi­tec­tu­ral templa­te with cli­ent si­de cre­ated as single pa­ge appli­ca­ti­on, appli­ca­ti­on dep­lo­yed on Win­dows Web Ser­ver 2016. The system inclu­des: cli­ent-ser­ver appli­ca­ti­on for use by de­partment staff and grad­ua­tes; functi­ona­lity for fil­ling the da­ta­ba­se (da­ta­ba­se) with new grad­ua­tes of the de­partment, and up­da­ting of al­re­ady exis­ting re­cords abo­ut grad­ua­tes; functi­ona­lity ex­po­sed for de­partments staff with se­arch for grad­ua­tes with in­for­ma­ti­on abo­ut the­ir stud­ying in uni­ver­sity; sta­tis­ti­cal in­for­ma­ti­on on grad­ua­tes ba­sed on se­lec­ted cri­te­ria; functi­ona­lity for grad­ua­tes to up­da­te ca­re­er in­for­ma­ti­on and ac­hi­eve­ments. For gi­ven softwa­re so­lu­ti­on re­la­ti­onal da­ta­ba­se was de­sig­ned and ex­po­sed with the help of MS SQL Ser­ver ca­pa­bi­li­ti­es. The system was de­ve­lo­ped with the help of C # prog­ram­ming lan­gua­ge, using ASP.NET Co­re techno­logy in par­ti­cu­lar for bac­kend, for front-end – user-fri­endly in­ter­fa­ces using HTML, CSS 3, and Ja­vaScript ba­sed on Re­act lib­rary and JSX ex­ten­si­on, with ele­ments of the Bo­otstrap lib­rary.

One of the im­por­tant com­po­nents of the system is the grap­hi­cal in­ter­fa­ce, which is a mul­ti­tu­de of to­ols for pro­ces­sing and displa­ying in­for­ma­ti­on for user wor­king with the system. Suc­cessfully de­sig­ned GUI must me­et the fol­lo­wing cri­te­ria: aesthe­tics, cla­rity, per­for­man­ce, expres­si­ve­ness, ease of le­ar­ning, con­sis­tency, con­sis­tency, er­ror pre­ven­ti­on. Du­ring the cre­ati­on of in­for­ma­ti­on se­arch system, "Grad­ua­te" the­se cri­te­ria was ad­he­red and imple­men­ted which is the re­sult of suc­cessfully de­ve­lo­ped grap­hi­cal in­ter­fa­ces of the system. Grap­hi­cal in­ter­fa­ce inclu­des such pa­ges as: lo­gin, se­arch for a grad­ua­te (by na­me, pat­ronymic for cer­ta­in ye­ars), ad­ding a grad­ua­te (inclu­des not only per­so­nal in­for­ma­ti­on, but al­so to­pics of comple­ted grad­ua­ti­on work, employ­ment), for­ming of sta­tis­ti­cal in­for­ma­ti­on on grad­ua­tes (by edu­ca­ti­onal le­vel, as­sessment of grad­ua­ti­on work, form of tra­ining), system se­tup functi­ons, rights of te­ac­hers and ad­mi­nistra­tors, and forms for re­por­ting in­for­ma­ti­on for uni­ver­sity de­partments. Such mul­ti­functi­onal system is ought to ha­ve big po­pu­la­rity due to con­ve­ni­ent user in­ter­fa­ce, high spe­ed of pro­ces­sing of user req­uests, in­for­ming user abo­ut event that are as­so­ci­ated with his ac­co­unt. It is plan­ned to impro­ve the system and to add the pos­si­bi­lity of in­teg­ra­ti­on with ot­her systems of the stu­dent le­ar­ning pro­cess in hig­her edu­ca­ti­onal insti­tu­ti­ons.

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