Received: January 29, 2020
Accepted: October 25, 2020

Цитування за ДСТУ: Цмоць І. Г., Теслюк В. М., Подольський М. Р., Дубук В. І. Засоби візуалізації енергобалансів і аналітична підтримка процесу управління енергоефективністю економіки регіону. Український журнал інформаційних технологій. 2020, т. 2, № 1. С. 01–07.

Citation APA: Tsmots, I. G., Tesliuk, V. M., Podolsky, M. R., & Dubuk, V. I. (2020). Tools of visualization of power balances and analytical support of energy efficiency management of region. Ukrainian Journal of Information Technology, 2(1), 01–07.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Institute of Geology & Geochemistry of Combustible Minerals of National Academy of Science of Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University

The aut­hors show that fu­el and energy complex is and shall be one from ba­sic fo­un­da­ti­on of so­cio-eco­no­mic de­ve­lop­ment of Uk­ra­ine and its re­gi­ons. The po­wer con­sumpti­on of gross do­mes­tic pro­duct is ba­sic in­dex of energy ef­fi­ci­ency. It cha­rac­te­ri­zes the le­vel of char­ges of fu­el and energy re­so­ur­ces on unit of mi­ne-out gross do­mes­tic pro­duct. The dec­li­ne of po­wer con­sumpti­on of eco­nomy, di­ver­si­fi­ca­ti­on of so­ur­ces and ways of supply of power re­so­ur­ce, incre­asing of na­ti­onal pro­duc­ti­on will pro­mo­te incre­asing of eco­no­mi­cal, po­wer and eco­lo­gi­cal se­cu­rity, which le­ads to op­ti­mi­za­ti­on of po­wer ba­lan­ce and pro­vi­des the cre­ati­on of so­il for per­ma­nent po­wer fu­tu­re of the co­untry. The struc­tu­re of in­for­ma­ti­on-analyti­cal system, which is Web-ori­en­ted and ba­sed on da­ta ba­ses and da­ta wa­re­hou­ses is de­ve­lo­ped. Such in­for­ma­ti­on-analyti­cal system is com­po­sed by two subsystems: in­for­ma­ti­on and analyti­cal. The techni­cal ba­sis of in­for­ma­ti­on subsystem is off-wi­red sen­sor net­works, which ha­ve im­por­tant pro­per­ti­es as self-or­ga­ni­zing and adap­ti­vity to chan­ges of ex­ter­nal con­di­ti­ons and infrastruc­tu­re. Analyti­cal subsystem is com­po­sed of po­wer da­ta wa­re­hou­se, to­ols of ope­ra­ti­onal and in­tel­lec­tu­al da­ta pro­ces­sing, prog­no­sing, vis­ua­li­za­ti­on and de­ci­si­on sup­port units. The al­go­rithm of cal­cu­la­ti­on of in­de­xes of po­wer con­sumpti­on of gross pro­duct of re­gi­on, which transforms to for­ming and struc­tu­ring of da­ta, re­cal­cu­la­ting of fu­el to con­di­ti­onal units, find the dif­fe­ren­ce bet­we­en gross con­sumpti­on of re­so­ur­ces and the­ir pro­duc­ti­on at the re­gi­on, de­fi­ni­ti­on of val­ue of mi­ned-out electri­cal and ther­mal po­wer at Lviv re­gi­on in con­di­ti­onal units of po­wer wit­ho­ut usa­ge of or­ga­nic ori­gin fu­el and pro­vi­des it ra­pid cal­cu­la­ti­on. The softwa­re to­ols with dif­fe­rent users in­ter­fa­ces for cal­cu­la­ting of in­de­xes of energy ef­fi­ci­ency of re­gi­on eco­nomy are in­ves­ti­ga­ted. The San­key di­ag­rams for pre­sen­ta­ti­on of po­wer ba­lan­ces of re­gi­on are se­lec­ted. It is shown, that po­wer ba­lan­ce is the flux of as­so­ci­ati­on of dif­fe­rent po­wer re­so­ur­ces (fu­el, he­at and electri­cal po­wer, so the po­wer me­dia in com­mo­dity form) in dif­fe­rent sec­tors of eco­nomy (supplying, transfor­ma­ti­on and con­sumpti­on) in po­wer units. The San­key di­ag­rams are ba­sed on row of no­des, con­nec­ted with flows of in­put and out­put da­ta. At po­wer ba­lan­ce flows pre­sents num­ber of in­put and out­put da­ta, whe­re width of dif­fe­rent ele­ments is pro­por­ti­onal to val­ue of po­wer. The no­des of di­ag­ram pre­sents the events or pro­ces­ses of transfor­ming, for example, im­port, fi­nal po­wer con­sumpti­on. San­key di­ag­rams com­po­sed from so­me parts, which de­vi­ded by no­des, cor­res­pon­ding to tran­si­ti­ons bet­we­en pro­ces­ses (sta­ges) of chan­ges (di­vi­si­on, as­so­ci­ati­on) of po­wer flu­xes. The softwa­re to­ols for pre­sen­ta­ti­on of po­wer ba­lan­ce by me­ans of San­key di­ag­rams, which are com­for­tab­le and cle­ar in use are in­ves­ti­ga­ted.

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