: 91-98
Received: May 05, 2021
Accepted: June 01, 2021

Ци­ту­ван­ня за ДСТУ: Цмоць І. Г., Різ­ник О. Я., Бу­да­рець­кий Ю. І., Олійник М. Я. Син­тез бар­ке­ро­по­діб­них пос­лі­дов­ностей з адап­та­цією до ве­ли­чи­ни за­ва­ди. Ук­ра­їнсь­кий жур­нал ін­форма­ційних тех­но­ло­гій. 2021, т. 3, № 1. С. 91–98.

Ci­ta­ti­on APA: Tsmots, I. H., Riznyk, O. Ya., Bu­da­retskyi, Yu. I., & Oli­inyk, M. Ya. (2021). Synthe­sis of bar­ker-li­ke seq­uences with adap­ta­ti­on to the si­ze of the in­terfe­ren­ce. Uk­ra­ini­an Jo­ur­nal of In­forma­ti­on Techno­logy, 3(1), 91–98.

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Lviv Polytechnic National University, Lviv, Ukraine
Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine
Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Lviv, Ukraine

The method of synthesis of noise-resistant barker-like code sequences with the use of ideal ring bundles has been improved. The method for fast finding of such noise-like noise-resistant code sequences, which are able to find and correct errors in accordance with the length of the obtained code sequence, has been improved. An algorithm is implemented to quickly find such noise-resistant barker-like code sequences that are able to find and correct errors in accordance with the length of the obtained code sequence.

A simulation model of noise-tolerant barker-like coding with the use of ideal ring bundles has been developed. The possibility of reducing the redundancy of noise-tolerant code sequences by cutting code sequences by a certain number of bits without losing the regenerative capacity of noise-tolerant codes has been investigated. Theoretical analysis of the possibilities of this approach and its effectiveness is performed. Several series of experimental studies of the reliability of the described method on different data samples were performed and its functional efficiency was confirmed. The analysis of the obtained data and identification of key factors influencing the result is carried out.

The practical software implementation of the simulation model of noise-tolerant barker-like coding for finding and correcting errors in the obtained noise-tolerant barker-like code sequences is carried out. The used methods and algorithms of data processing, the main components for message processing and their purpose are described.

The possibility of reducing the redundancy of noise-tolerant code sequences by reducing the code sequences by a certain number of bits without losing the reproducibility of noise-tolerant codes has been investigated. Theoretical analysis of the possibilities of this approach and its effectiveness is performed. Several series of experimental studies of the reliability of the described method on different data samples were performed and its functional efficiency was confirmed. The analysis of the obtained results is performed and the main factors influencing the obtained result are determined.

The proposed noise-tolerant barker-like code sequences have practical value, because with the help of the obtained barker-like code sequence it is quite simple and fast to find up to 50 % and correct up to 25 % of distorted characters from the length of noise-tolerant barker-like code sequence.

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