Combating plagiarism

Copyright protection – one of the most important categories of theory of Сivil and Сivil Procedural Law. Under the protection of Copyright should be understood statutory measures for their recognition, cease attempts to abuse, the use of measures to offender legal liability. Protection of Moral and Property Rights of Copyright carried out in the manner prescribed Administrative, Civil and Criminal Law. Article 19 of the Law "On Copyright and Related Rights" defines violations that give rise to Copyright protection.

During the manuscript submission for publication in the publication "Ukrainian Journal of Information Technologies," the authors agree that the article given for publication may be placed in the electronic database with the obligatory indication of Authorship and Copyright notice in full by Author. The text of the work needs to fully restore external sources of information – in the form of lists sources of literature (including individual authors works, previously published). It is required to properly execute borrowing in the form of quotations or specific references to the source in Author(s) Manuscript. Any forms of plagiarism are unacceptable, so the Journal consider them as Unethical Behavior and as Unacceptable for Further Cooperation.

Plagiarism – assigning authorship to someone else's or work on someone else's discovery, invention or rationalization proposal and the use of their works by someone else's work without attribution. Currently single, comprehensive and universally accepted definition of plagiarism does not exist. For example, the authors of one of the largest English-language plagiarism detection resources "Turnitin" give the following definition of the term:

  • steal an idea or words of another person and give them as their own;
  • use the work of another person without having the source from which they were taken;
  • wholly or partly steal artistic, scientific or other work or work and give them as owner;
  • submit an existing idea or product as new and original.

Plagiarism with the advent of Internet network has become a serious problem. Once a specific knowledge is comply with Copyright is sited to network of Internet, it is becoming increasingly difficult, and sometimes impossible to provide the Copyright. More difficult is the identification of the original Author. The rapid development of Internet network, along with increasing computer literacy, immerses plagiarism in various spheres of human activity. Plagiarism is a serious problem today in Education, Industry and especially in the Scientific Community. Plagiarism misleading consumers research products detrimental to the author, and gives undeserved goods to plagiarists.

The Editorial Board of the publication "Ukrainian Journal of Information Technologies" condemns such forms of plagiarism:

  • exact copying of published subject with copyright, patent right without proper registration of borrowed parts of it. Bring a form of plagiarism easiest because there is a full symbolic or structural duplication borrowed material;
  • repeating the ideological basis of the work – plot, which is actually form its value. The idea, plot or ideological content of the principle is not always possible to capture in pure, because they need material resources for their submission. This tool is an iconic, symbolic system – letters, numbers, notes, graphic elements, recorded on the media. This form of plagiarism is the most difficult and most controversial, since any of these cases is extremely difficult to prove copying repeat the ideological basis of the work;
  • publication of copyrighted works, the contents of which holds some or all of the other material by writers in the language, vocabulary, technological interpretation. Such plagiarism changes author scheme sign system (some specific placement of letters, numbers, than, for example, text), allowing plagiarists to use it as an original for significant system work. This interpretation often can be detected by technical or software, if the copyrighted work was not radically changed;
  • false plagiarism which includes: errors in links and identifying citations; links to non-existent source of information; mistakes in bringing accurate facts without specifying the source (if it is not a personal research); errors in the presentation of the structure and content sources.

Editors strongly condemns all manifestations of plagiarism in Manuscripts of Articles, infringement of Copyright and Scientific Ethics. In the case of investigation in the Article more than 25% borrowed text without links to relevant primary source and use quotes, it will be qualified as one that contains plagiarism (see. "Requirements for the Articles"). In this case, the Manuscript of the Article is no longer will seen, and the Author received the First Warning (to Supervisor this note will be sent also).

Authors of Articles which will be re-discovered plagiarism will no longer be publi­shed in the Issue "Ukrainian Journal of Information Technologies," and the fact of Plagiarism is brought to the attention of the Management of Research Institutions and Organizations.