Instructions to authors

Manuscripts of articles should be submitted to the editorial board in electronic form (on CD- or DVD-disk) or should be sent by e-mail addressed to –

Submitted papers should be laid out in compliance with template available from the journal website. Papers volume should conform to limit outlined in the template (not less than 8 pages). File type – *.doc (MS Word 97-2003).

Formatting of the articles according to the requirements of the journal is held by the executive secretary of the editorial board. Authors should type their articles in a word processor (for example, Microsoft Word) according to following requirements:

1. Page size: А4 (210×297 mm).

2. Fields: internal – 18 mm, external – 25 mm, top – 20 mm, bottom – 25 mm.

3. Article text: font type – Times New Roman, font size – 11 pt, first line indention – 10 mm, line spacing (interline interval) – 1.1, text alignment – to the width of the page.

4. Rubricating of the article:
– the article title should be typed in the first line;
in each of the next lines, the following information should be typed:
– full names of the author and co-authors, separated by commas (everyone's surname should be marked with symbol 1, 2, 3 etc., which should be typed in each of the next lines before the name of the corresponding organization); (number of co-authors of a paper should not exceed 5 persons);
– the full name of the organization in which the authors work - department, university (scientific institution), postal address of organization, author's e-mail; (before the name of the organization, the number of the corresponding co-author should be typed - 1., 2., 3., etc.);
– annotation (abstract) in English (within the range of 250-500 words), which briefly displays the main content of each of the subsections (units) of the article. The structure of abstract: Problem statement,  Purpose,  Methodology,  Findings (results),  Originality (novelty),  Practical value,  Scopes of further investigations;
– titles of the subsections (units) of the article should be typed in separate lines (required units – introduction, problem statement, analysis of modern information sources on the subject of the article, statement of purpose and tasks of research, the main material presentation, conclusions, the list of information sources).

5. Figures and graphs should be placed in separate lines as separate objects with dimensions which do not exceed the page size. Figures should be named (titled) and numbered in the next line after the figure (for example, Fig. 1. The name of the figure: 1 – the name of the element; a – the name of the part of the figure). Admissible (allowed) figure formats: *.tif, *.bmp, *jpg, *.gif, *.png; resolution – not less than 150 dpi.

6. Tables should be placed as separate objects with dimensions which do not exceed the page size. Before the table, the numbering title (for example, Table 1) should be typed in one line and in the next line the name (title) of the table should be typed.

7. Formulas should be typed in separate lines in Microsoft Equation or MathType format and should be numbered in parentheses on the right side of a page. Font size in formulas: Full – 11 pt, Subscript/Superscript – 9 pt, Sub- Subscript/Superscript – 7 pt, Symbol – 14 pt, Sub-symbol – 11 pt.

8. The list of information sources on the subject of the article should include at least 10 references. It is recommended to cite scientific works of local and foreign authors published in journals that are included in the international scientometric databases.

9. The minimum size of the article should not be less than 8 pages. The maximum size depends on the subject of the article and the degree of disclosure of its contents. That's why the maximum size of the article is not limited with the purpose of the widest coverage of problems and research results.

Final formatting of the articles according to the requirements of the journal is held by the executive secretary of the editorial board. Formatted article in electronic form is to be sent to the author for coordination (agreement). Formatted and coordinated (agreed with the author) article is to be submitted for editing (proofreading) to specialists in English and for further peer reviewing to two members of the journal editorial board. Based on the reviewers conclusions, the editorial board makes a decision about the aspects and terms of the article publication.

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