
Правовий статус судових органів україни як суб’єктів юрисдикційних відносин

Звернуто увагу на визначальні аспекти змін до Конституції України (щодо правосуддя) в контексті повноважень судових органів. Виділено позитивні та негативні підходи на шляху реалізації судової реформи. Проаналізовано напрями удосконалення конституційних нововведень щодо окремо взятого суб’єкта.

До питання про суд присяжних за кримінальним процесуальним законодавством україни

Розглянуто теоретичні та практичні проблеми участі народу у здійсненні правосуддя в Україні. 
Проаналізовано розвиток суду присяжних в Україні як форми участі народу у здійсненні правосуддя на основі континентальної (європейської) та англосаксонської правових систем. 

Правосвідомість та її вплив на поведінку людини

У статті подано теоретичний аналіз поняття “правосвідомість”, охарактеризовано суть цього поняття з погляду різних філософських шкіл. Виокремлено визначальні елементи правосвідомості у регулятивно¬му впливі на поведінку людини, визначено залежність напряму поведінки людини від її правосвідомості. З’ясовано визначальні чинники формування правомірної поведінки.

Legal a wareness and legal culture as a factor of civil society

The article analyzes the importance of legal awareness and legal culture in the development of civil society. We consider the concept and basic features of civil society characterized by justice and legal culture that influence the improvement of law on the
formation of a legal state and civil society.

Legal culture as a condition for the cultivation of the rule of law in the Ukrainian society

The article is devoted to the development of legal culture, since the scientific level of legal thinking and legal awareness provides the ideal legal personality formation that respects the legal law recognizes his supremacy in whole spheres of life,the iraction ssupporting the rule of law in Ukraine.

Legal knowledge: anthropological discourse

The article analyzes the legal knowledge as a legal category that reflects the process, while the result of a focused knowledge of law. We consider the epistemological aspect of thinking that opens in a conscious effort to create the entity and identify their attitude to the law in a particular behavior and activity. DONE general theoretical analysis of the conceptual foundations of legal knowledge of the methodology, described the basic scientific methods the nature and features of this complex legal 

H. V. Leibnic – anoutstandind thinker of western-european science and cu hure (devoted to 300-years since death)

The article deals with some scientific, philosophical, socially-legal, religious concepts of brilliant German philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz made a huge contribution to the organization and creation of scientific institutions in English, Italy, Germany, Russia and France. Due to his scientific and theoretical creativity he was ahead of his time, formulated the ideas that formed the basis of many modern sciences.

Justice in the philosophical and law thought of new time

In the article has been investigated the genesis of justice and law connections, that allowed to determine the starting point of convergence, and to trace the historical features of the course of such convergence, which reflected in the action area of these phenomena, their content characteristics. It has been determinated the directions of justice problematics output outside the scope of national law and dissemination in international relations.

Personal worldview, humanistic conceptualism

The article deals with the philosophical and legal analysis of personal philosophy through the prism of humanistic conceptualism and therefore formulated the theoretical and  methodological basis of the abovementioned issues. It was found that the presence of cognitive and emotional values of the components and their organic combination creates conditions for ideological correlation identity, a process which with varying intensity and direction is for all human life.

Lexical and grammatical variations of law conceptosphere

The article examines lexical and grammatical variations of law conceptosphere that reflect the linguistic conceptual picture of the world. The law conceptosphere includes, respectively, concepts from the field of law such as the concept of law, justice, judiciary, etc.. Language is rightly called one of the means that explain spirituality of a man, its system of values, mentality, the way of thinking, the process of generating ideas, outlook, behavior.