methods of diagnostics

Концепція автоматизації процесу контролю технологічного стану промислових трубопровідних систем, посудин і резервуарів

The problem of construction of software maintenance and corrosion monitoring of pipeline systems, and provides automation and flow diagram of interaction modules. Using the developed software is indicated mode of technological schemes. The means to identify and diagnose equipment resource including corrosion.

Conceptual basis of management activities diagnostics in the system of process-structured management

The role and place of diagnostics in management systems of enterprises and peculiarities of management activities diagnostics are considered. The essence and characteristics of process-structured management as the most effective integrated approach to management in current operation conditions are described.  The conceptual basis of management activities diagnostics in the system of process-structured management is worked out, it foreseeing distinguishing and specifying principles, types, objects, subjects, methods, methodologies, indicators of management activities diagnostics.