virtual community

Ranking the social media platform user pages using Big Data

The platforms of the social media of the Internet, depending on their content have been analyzed in the paper. The classification that allows selecting groups by specific one's signs has been made.  To rank the pages of users of virtual communities, it is suggested to use a modified PageRank algorithm.  An approach based on the use of lexical analysis and algorithm for ranking and organizing data using the MapReduce paradigm is developed.

Аналіз існуючих типів віртуальних спільнот у мережі Інтернет та побудова моделі віртуальної спільноти на основі веб-форуму

In this paper existing types of virtual communities and their features were analyzed. Formal model of virtual community and web forum was developed.

Вплив спеціалізованих веб-спільнот на функціонування освітніх закладів

This paper deals with the architecture of virtual communities. The classification of the content of specialized educational web communities was carried out, and as a result, the classification by community members with regard to personalization data was made.

Формування моделі каталогу генераторів інформаційного образу внз

In the paper the notion of correctly defined generator is introduced, formal set-theoretic model of generator is built and formalization of structure of virtual community as a platform of university information activity is suggested.