In the modern air-conditioning systems with air split-conditioners, equipments, refrigeration agents and processes are occupied the important place, the objective assessment of the degree of its energy perfection which could be defined only on the basis of their exergy analysis. The purpose of the work is to establish exergetic efficiency and losses of exergy in separate elements of the refrigeration machines of the split-conditioners of “Daikin” firm of different cooling capacity. The author’s innovative mathematical model for the exergetic method for analyzing the work of one-stage refrigeration machines with refrigeration agent R410A, which are used in air split-conditioners of “Daikin” firm model series ATXN-MB, for the purpose of computer evaluation their energy efficiency through exergetic output-input ratio (OIR) depending on the various factors influencing their work, was used in this article. The exergetic OIR of air split-conditioners was determined from its exergy balance for 1 kg/s of the cost of the circulating working refrigerant. The exergetic OIR and losses of exergy in separate elements of the air split-conditioners with standard cooling capacity 2050, 2560, 3410, 5480, 6230 W of “Daikin” firm at standard external temperature conditions are determined. It has been established that with increasing of air split-conditioner cooling capacity the exergetic OIR decreases from 23,1 % to 19,4 %, which is by 16,0 %, what is negative. The losses of exergy in all elements of refrigeration machines of the air split-conditioners are installed, which indicates that elements of the air split-conditioner need to be improved to reduce losses of exergy in them, and the overall increasing in the exergetic OIR.

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