At present, the problem of energy efficiency remains extremely important. Modern building technologies allow you to create houses with the minimum power consumption, using energy efficient external protections, including plastic windows. This leads to a reduction in the heat loss of the room, but there is a danger of reducing the required air exchange. This article is prepared in Lviv Polytechnic National University within the framework of the project VEGA 1/0697/17 in cooperation with the scientists of the Technical University of Kosice (Slovakia) and Polytechnic of Bialystok City Bialystok (Poland). Investigation of the condition of sanitary-hygienic conditions in the premises was conducted in the educational auditorium of the training building during the classes. At the beginning and at the end of each lesson, measurements were made of the parameters of the air environment of the auditorium, in particular: its temperature, relative humidity and the content of carbon dioxide. Measurements were carried out in two stages. The results of the research are shown in the graphs and indicate the dependence of the airspace parameters change on the audience's room on the effectiveness of ventilation. Research shows that even 10 minutes of ventilation of the audience reduces the concentration of carbon dioxide by 33 %.

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